Missing spring from my Raidfire Spear


Newly Enlightened
Mar 18, 2008
Fort Myers
Hello everybody. The battery spring (emiter side) of my Raidfire Spear has fallen out. Is there a way for me to order a new spring and install it my self? Or is this a complicated soder job that needs to be sent to a soder pro? I own no soder tools but i might be able to get down on some minor stuff. This is a picture of the first generation Spear. I have the last run of these lights. Any help would be great.
I hate to bring this up again, but any information about where i can find a sorce for springs, or anything, would be great. Thanks again.
I did not notice that no one had replied.

As mentioned, variuous springs are available at true value hardware stores as well as home depot and lowes.

It does not take an expert, but look for a "how to solder" thread on this forum (or google) before you start. A simple $7 soldering iron from radio shack should work for that application.

Chromed springs and stainless steel springs will not want to stick to the solder. Rough it up with a file, sand paper, etc and use some acid flux to get it to stick to the spring before you get it any where near the tailcap.

I do not have a 'spear' so I do not know if you need a specific spring size. They come in different lengths, widths AND wire thickness.

Good luck


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