Mobile phone batteries, do they need calibrating?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 3, 2010
Fremont, CA
From what I've read in these forums and most other places, all lithium batteries do not need to be conditioned/calibrated. I'm assuming this applies to cell phones too? Here's one that I thought was just ridiculous:

  1. Turn your phone on and charge it for 8 hours or more
  2. Unplug the charger
  3. Turn your phone off and charge it for one hour
  4. Unplug the charger
  5. Turn on the phone and wait 2 minutes
  6. Turn your phone off and charge it for one hour
  7. Unplug, turn it on and use as normal. Your battery life should now be a lot better
People are reporting great results too.

Now from what I gather, these batteries are controlled by microprocessors, once it reaches full, it stops charging. So it doesn't matter how long you leave it on the charger after 100%. Am I right?