Modding a leadlight


Newly Enlightened
Mar 17, 2007
Hi all :)

I just bought my first leadlight, and I'm considering modding it. Here are the manufacturing details:

169-1, Shan-Ying road, Kuei-Shan,
Tao-Yuan(333) Taiwan, R.O.C.


I'm guessing this is a 110 because of the LED light? I have no idea if it is APC or not.

Here are my questions:
  • How can I tell if it is APC?
  • Can it be modded?
  • What's the likely mW output with the pot mod?
  • Will this affect battery life?
  • Will this affect laser life?
  • Is there anything important I should know to avoid modding process OR long term damage?
  • Does a cooldown have to be observed for just doing the pot mod, and if so, what is it?
Secondly, about the actual pot mod process. What size drill bit should I use, and how much pressure should I apply? What size/type screwdriver should I use?

Also, is there any potential vision damage from viewing the dot at/under 30mW? If so, do you have any eye protection suggestions?

Omlettex --

This question has been asked so many times on all the forums that finally the green laser forum has a bunch of info compiled and if you search here, more will come up.

The green laser forum is at . Go to forums and look under green lasers All levels of mod are covered there.

Just a word here - new "leadlights don't mod as well as of old. Not all product sold as Leadlight really is a leadlight. You need to watch the current as you turn up the pot or you will most likely kill it.
