Money - easy come, and easy go...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
Terminal 4
So I spent $1100 in the last couple hours. Booked flights for Christmas to visit the in-laws with the family, and a flight in September for a friend's wedding.

Airfares are going up so I had to book early. Amazing that money goes so quickly.

And then I placed an order for the NiteCore D10.

This is why I don't take any vacations to Hawaii or elsewhere. Money flows out too quickly just for regular travel... :broke::broke:
yeah, hard to come by. as far as going it is more like "did someone put lube on this $100 bill?" :broke: i could go through a months pay at the gastation alone, and only recive enough gas to get me up the road and back!:shakehead

Anyone like my new signature? :devil: just a little toy i found online one day. it is safe though. only you can see what your info is. so it wont kill you.:candle:
If it makes you feel better, I had a whole bunch of unexpected expenses that came due this month.... and will continue into next month.

Car got totalled, got to get another one.

Cellphone broke down, can't be fixed.

Car I was using to get to work, broke down; got it fixed. Not cheap. (It's 16 years old).

Had to rent a car for getting to work for 9 days. (More expensive than you can imagine).

Air-conditioner at home broke down. Can't be fixed. Got a new one.

I think that's everything, but I wouldn't surprised if I missed something.
Look on the bright side. You could be me.... I feel horribly depressed all of a sudden. :sigh:

Yup, there was something else. I have to pay off a hospital bill from 2004. The hospital gave me a ridiculously high bill, and refused to tell me what the charges were for. Then the collections agency refused to tell me that, then the attorny's office the hospital hired to sue me refused to tell me that. Even the judge couldn't understand the bill that the hospital's attorney showed her.... And then, the attorney actually took the time to explain the bill to me, right in front of the judge. Gee, and it didn't happen until the Court's time got wasted. :ironic:

But at least I worked something out with the hospital. They sent me a more realistic bill, and I worked out a payment plan. Did I mention the folks in Hospital Billing know as much about integrity as the Amish know about drag racing?
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If it makes you feel better, I had a whole bunch of unexpected expenses that came due this month.... and will continue into next month.

Car got totalled, got to get another one.

Cellphone broke down, can't be fixed.

Car I was using to get to work, broke down; got it fixed. Not cheap. (It's 16 years old).

Had to rent a car for getting to work for 9 days. (More expensive than you can imagine).

Air-conditioner at home broke down. Can't be fixed. Got a new one.

I think that's everything, but I wouldn't surprised if I missed something.
Look on the bright side. You could be me.... I feel horribly depressed all of a sudden. :sigh:

Yup, there was something else. I have to pay off a hospital bill from 2004. The hospital gave me a ridiculously high bill, and refused to tell me what the charges were for. Then the collections agency refused to tell me that, then the attorny's office the hospital hired to sue me refused to tell me that. Even the judge couldn't understand the bill that the hospital's attorney showed her.... And then, the attorney actually took the time to explain the bill to me, right in front of the judge. Gee, and it didn't happen until the Court's time got wasted. :ironic:

But at least I worked something out with the hospital. They sent me a more realistic bill, and I worked out a payment plan. Did I mention the folks in Hospital Billing know as much about integrity as the Amish know about drag racing?
Wow I'm truly sorry to hear that... Hope it goes better for you.

With regards to your cellphone, you can buy a cheap one off of Craislist or eBay to replace the broken one you have. I do it when I need a cell phone in a pinch, without having to get into a long contract.
Wow I'm truly sorry to hear that... Hope it goes better for you.

With regards to your cellphone, you can buy a cheap one off of Craislist or eBay to replace the broken one you have. I do it when I need a cell phone in a pinch, without having to get into a long contract.


Luckily, I have a couple of old cellphones that I can pop the SIM card into until my contract with T-Mobile is up. Then I can contact them about a deal on a new one.

Luckily, I have a couple of old cellphones that I can pop the SIM card into until my contract with T-Mobile is up. Then I can contact them about a deal on a new one.
That's great. There are also some pre-paid GSM phones that you can buy in a pinch as well, just with a $10 or $20 pre-paid card.

I keep my old phones in case my current phone croaks.

As with flashlights, always a good idea to have a back up or two! :)