Monthly Giveaway


Apr 1, 2008
I don't know what the membership of this forum is, but I'm willing to bet it is a substantial number. I'm also sure many of us purchase flashlights from the many manufacturers and retailers that advertise here. I think it would be a great idea if just one flashlight a month was awarded to a Forum member, and that member had to write a review. That's only twelve flashlights a year, and it would give some of us who cannot afford some of the higher end products a chance to own and appreciate them.

You could only win once a year and I would leave the details to the folks in charge. This would be a drop in the bucket for the retailers and I know it would spark interest and generate good will.
It would definitely generate some interest and goodwill. But how do we know the winner will have the skill and equipment for a review?
Many of the vendors on here already give each and every member a discount on shopping or some deal on shipping so in effect they are giving a small piece of there profits back to us on each and every sale.

I can see where you are coming from but these vendors rely on many sources for there sales but would be interesting to see the response you get.
Many of the vendors on here already give each and every member a discount on shopping or some deal on shipping so in effect they are giving a small piece of there profits back to us on each and every sale.

I can see where you are coming from but these vendors rely on many sources for there sales but would be interesting to see the response you get.

I agree that we do get some discounts and rightly so considering the interest shown and sales generated as a result of our unique past time. I think much would depend on the folks who oversee the Forum. I think retailers would line up for the chance to stir up more talk about their products. Heck, for the small price of a single flashlight only one time in a year they would have a lot of free advertsing. There is a slight risk involved if the winner disliked his/her gift. I also understand that winner reviews would be severely limited by their knowledge and testing ability. Overall, it might be a very harmless way to make some folks very happy and increase interest as well.
It would definitely generate some interest and goodwill. But how do we know the winner will have the skill and equipment for a review?
I volunteer to review one of the new KuKu427 AA lights.
I'd EDC it for a month and give it a layman's review, then send it off to Selfbuilt or one of the other reviewers for detailed analysis.
PM me for shipping info. :twothumbs
Volunteering to test a flashlight and give it a review is a nice offer, but I think a one per month giveaway is worth a try. Should not be hard to set up a member entry area on the Forum, and I'm sure plenty of folks would look welcome a chance to win a quality flashlight from one of these many fine retailers or manufacturers.:thumbsup:
I'd love to get a free flashlight but,..

I think one a month is asking alot, even from the bigger Companies, and it would put smaller custom manufacturer's at a disadvantage.

I also think it would add to board clutter, I like to get right to the meat in here without having to wade through too much jelly.

A lot of the Business's that advertise here as stated above already give us discounts, and even giveaways or contests. They do it as they see fit within their business and marketing constraints, which imho is the way to go.

There is a mutual benefit of this board, mostly between members and hobbyists, but also through member-business's. We get the straight facts directly from the source before most of the rest of the world through contacts and associations and a multinational membership. I don't think the CPF board is the place for marketing gimicks on a frequent regular basis.
It's a well meaning thought but I believe it would devalue what we do here.

Once in a while someone/business does do a giveaway or a contest or a major discount and it's great,but lets leave it to chance and not make it into a force that changes the nature of the board..

Thats my $.02

EDIT: I just read what I wrote and it doesn't quite explain what I mean completely. I guess in a nutshell my point is that I don't want the regular board to turn into an advertising or marketing forum. I guess it would be cool if it was just on the Marketplace Forum, but even there I would leave that sort of thing up to the business's and not try to organize anything that would put up and coming smaller business's at a disadvantage, It's all about specs and techs, If it's not then turn off your computer and goto Walmart.
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I'd love to get a free flashlight but,..

I think one a month is asking alot, even from the bigger Companies, and it would put smaller custom manufacturer's at a disadvantage.

I also think it would add to board clutter, I like to get right to the meat in here without having to wade through too much jelly.

A lot of the Business's that advertise here as stated above already give us discounts, and even giveaways or contests. They do it as they see fit within their business and marketing constraints, which imho is the way to go.

There is a mutual benefit of this board, mostly between members and hobbyists, but also through member-business's. We get the straight facts directly from the source before most of the rest of the world through contacts and associations and a multinational membership. I don't think the CPF board is the place for marketing gimicks on a frequent regular basis.
It's a well meaning thought but I believe it would devalue what we do here.

Once in a while someone/business does do a giveaway or a contest or a major discount and it's great,but lets leave it to chance and not make it into a force that changes the nature of the board..

Thats my $.02

EDIT: I just read what I wrote and it doesn't quite explain what I mean completely. I guess in a nutshell my point is that I don't want the regular board to turn into an advertising or marketing forum. I guess it would be cool if it was just on the Marketplace Forum, but even there I would leave that sort of thing up to the business's and not try to organize anything that would put up and coming smaller business's at a disadvantage, It's all about specs and techs, If it's not then turn off your computer and goto Walmart.

Good post and thoughts. I'm not suggesting any one retailer provide a flashlight every single month. I thought if a retailer wanted to participate in some kind of Forum giveaway, they could also enter some sort of pool from which to be drawn. This would keep them on a level playing field, not showing special treatment to anyone. Imagine an up and coming small player getting chosen to offer that month's giveaway? Sure would give them some extra notice. I'm sure some of these folks read the Forum,and might see the benefit of such an idea. Hey, it was just a thought to add a little excitement and make a few folks happy. This should not be a big deal because a single free flashlight among all the members provided by just one different vendor per month does not amount to very much. Hope no one is too upset by the suggestion. Maybe it wasn't such a "bright" idea?
Ouch! Hurt to write that.:D
Maybe it wasn't such a "bright" idea? Ouch! Hurt to write that.:D

They do have some pretty nice giveaways with a small donation to the forums every now and then. But that's more of a raffle.
If manufacturers do indeed watch these forums they will take note of this. I'm sure it wouldn't take much for them to set up if they thought there was value in such an undertaking.
After years of trying I've given up the idea that I could win something.
It just doesn't happen for me.
They do have some pretty nice giveaways with a small donation to the forums every now and then. But that's more of a raffle.
If manufacturers do indeed watch these forums they will take note of this. I'm sure it wouldn't take much for them to set up if they thought there was value in such an undertaking.
After years of trying I've given up the idea that I could win something.
It just doesn't happen for me.

I've only won something one time and that was a radio show vacation getaway to the bahamas. When I read the details they sent, I called and said I would be declining the prize. The trip in my opinion was worth maybe $1200, and they were going to report a vlaue of $5000 to the IRS!
Not worth the tax liabilty. Now a flashlight worth maybe $50 to $100 or so, should not be a problem for anyone. Even if I don't win, someone here would and that would be really nice in my opinion.

We know advertisers are paying good money to promote their products on this site, a single flashlight seems like a very small thing in comparison. Actually if I were promoting a new product, it makes perfect sense to give at least one to the folks who buy and enjoy such things.

Years ago I worked as a supply coordinator, and contractors and salespeople often presented myself and my partner some examples of new products they were trying to get into the market place. They were proud of what they were selling and the return in sales far exceeded the few free offerings.
Well, my idea got few responses so I can only conclude most of the folks reading here don't want or need a free flashlight. I'm a little disappointed because I did think it was a good idea. I think since this thread is not going anywhere, it should be closed, removed and forgotten. Thanks:poof:
Well, my idea got few responses so I can only conclude most of the folks reading here don't want or need a free flashlight. I'm a little disappointed because I did think it was a good idea. I think since this thread is not going anywhere, it should be closed, removed and forgotten. Thanks:poof:

Well, it was a good idea. The trick is getting it going, though. The devil is in the details. Manufacturers, as already discussed, have a variety of marketing techniques. And several of them do offer giveaways already...but trying to coordinate this for EVERY manufacturer and every CPF member who wants to be a part would be a nightmare. Lot of work, for a fairly small gain.

I like the idea of members themselves having giveaways...we all know that many people here on CPF have many more lights/batteries/chargers than they could possibly use. If you are a die-hard collector, and won't give anything up, that's ok...but it seems like a lot of people might have a light or two that they could spare. There is a yearly Christmas giveaway, but there is no reason it has to be limited to that. I'd like to see lights being given away year round, particularly to newbies who may not yet understand the benefits of quality lights.

Edit: In fact, I put the idea into practice.
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