More Christmas lights, only 20000 lumen this time


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 14, 2005
Gothenburg, Sweden
After my Advent candlestick-experiment in my apartment in Gothenburg, I went home to my parents house for Christmas. While they where gone, me and a fiend of mine planned for something fun in the same spirit. :sssh:

In Sweden, people don't often use colored lamps in Christmas trees and other decorations as it seems to be the case the the US. Way too little colors here for our taste we thought and started thinking about what could be done. As we both are into concerts, we have just about everything you need in sound and light to pull of a concert, we had some equipment to back this experiment up with.
As you probably could guess, I'm the light-guy in the group so I had the garage full of PAR64 cans and color filters. Several dimmers and a light desk stood there too. Hmm, what do do?

Well, a ladder, my parents outdoor furniture, lots of extension cables and two hours later, their backyard looked like this:


Supersize picture

Look from behind:

Supersize picture

Dimmer and light desk:

Supersize picture

By now, you probably get the big picture here. :grin2:
We aimed the cans at the forest behind their house so that all neighbors could get their share of Christmas colors too. While doing so, my friend came up with the brilliant idea to run the two Christmas threes outside on a dimmer channel as well. Some more extension cable to the front of the house and it was done too.
We did a small program/chase with random changes and levels and set it for four second change and as smooth transitions as possible. The result was quite impressive.

The pictures are quite bad. I ran the camera at maximum ISO-setting (320) and it still required one second exposure time so the images are sometimes quite blurry. The video is horrible, but you get the idea from it.

View from the backyard:

Supersize picture

The lamps:

Supersize picture

From the front:

Supersize picture

I wish I had more fun colors, like lilac and orange, but I'll get some more for next year.

Oh, and the neighbors did enjoy it. :)


Sep 28, 2005
Ahh.... soo cool :D

Actually i thought about borrowing some PAR's and doing the same thing after seeing your candlestick thread, but i didnt and you beat me to it :D

*i really need to buy me some PARs and dimmers, i already got the speaker system, mixer and dmx interface, only dimmers and PARs missing :D*


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 26, 2005
If for indoor use intended, how about colored DMX RGB LED PARs ?
Let heat IMHO :)

Good luck anyways ! Pics welcome !!

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