More Energizer crap...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
Well, decided to look through my (very sparse) stock of alkaline AA and AAA cells today, just to check for leakage or such, and its a good thing I did! Granted, they aren't physically leaking yet, but three of the four Energizer AA's I had were showing signs of corrosion while all my other batteries (various brands) were looking immaculate.

This battery has an expiration date o 03-2015...
Interesting, every single time I've had a battery leak, it's been an Energizer brand. I thought maybe just a huge coincidence. Off the store shelf, I've yet to see a Duracell, Maxell, or even Ray-o-vac leak.
Interesting. It's been a long time since I used alkalines for much of anything, but I find it odd that it's leaking at the anode end. This suggests that the leak is actually through the case (as in, a hole, corroded through), rather than at the cathode end where the seal is. Most, as I remember, leaked around the seal, unless they were really bad.

I suppose in their quest for ever increasing capacity, the walls are so thin that this could happen. So much for progress!

It is interesting because I haven't had any energizers leak but have had rayovac's leak.
Well, decided to look through my (very sparse) stock of alkaline AA and AAA cells today, just to check for leakage or such, and its a good thing I did! Granted, they aren't physically leaking yet, but three of the four Energizer AA's I had were showing signs of corrosion while all my other batteries (various brands) were looking immaculate.

This battery has an expiration date o 03-2015...

That's not leakage, that's corrosion due to problems with the nickel plating on the outside of the can. The cells would probably perform fine.

Barring the extremely unlikely chance that a hole would develop in the can itself, leakage is always on the negative end of an alkaline cell in 1 of 3 places:
1) Between the gasket and the can
2) Between the current collector and the gasket
3) Venting through a burst panel in the gasket itself due to internal pressure
Interesting, every single time I've had a battery leak, it's been an Energizer brand. I thought maybe just a huge coincidence. Off the store shelf, I've yet to see a Duracell, Maxell, or even Ray-o-vac leak.

I switched to Duracell exclusively for alkalines, and that didn't help leaking one bit, my Duracells leak ... my experience is that all alkalines leak, regardless of brand, if you leave them in the electronics too long. As a result, I've transitioned almost completely to Eneloops.
I don't know where to post this but I was at Target today and I saw the new package of energizer Rechargables with the solid green top. I remember someone here saying they thought they were rebranded eneloops because they said the batteries can be charged 1500 times on the package. I can confirm I read the package carefully and on the back at the bottom in very small print the package says its 1400 mah so it's probably not eneloops cause eneloops are 2000 mah. Overall I think this pack of batteries is a poor value as a pack of 4 eneloops are about 8$ at Walmart and the energizers are 10.99.