More on the Princeton Tec LED modules..



Hello all,
I did a little hacking with the princeton tec LED modules this weekend. There is a lot of info and pictures so it is best displayed on a web page:

Direct any questions or comments to the email address at the bottom of the page or to the board here.
Let me know what ya all think!
Excellent article! I just love someone (like myself) can't just can't leave things as they are! I am watching with undying interest where this project takes you.
Thanks for the info. Nice page. I always wondered why that module is so much dimmer than an Attitude. I like the 5 LED mod. If you could get 7 in there, you could have a nice short range flashlight for general viewing.

I've always liked the Tec 20 quite a bit. It's a nice size, and not too short if you grip it a certain way. The batteries don't rattle either like in the Tec 40. So I think a Tec 20 is a good light for this kind of mod.

I was planning on putting an LS in one, but after testing the focus with the LS, it's too narrow without a diffuser. I like your idea better. I wonder if PT isn't already considering this.

p.s. Do you think you could rig it so that you can permanently access the pot? Say by drilling a hole, and using any handy small screwdriver. It would be an added plus to have a built in dimmer.
I got a decent meter from a friend earlier today along with a nice breadboard and have been doing some tests today. However, I ran out of fully charged AA batteries, so I'll post the info tomorrow when I get some new batteries.
I also got a bunch of 5600mcd nichia lamps and have been messing with them on the breadboard.. let ya all know what I find out.
Haribante, I would like to link to your mod page from my Mods page Here so that people perusing my list of mods can check yours out as well. Is this OK with you?
sure, no problem. I will be graduating this may and getting a job somewhere (hopefully) so the page might be down for a while during the transition period.. but if that happens, I'll put it somewhere solid and let you know where it moves to.

Link away!
After that little "adjustment" I wonder if the Matrix would be as bright as the BD Moonlight.

Anyone has both of these who can give a few comments on these two lights?

I updated the page today with info I got from testing the module and a few more new mods. Check it out!

I do have a question though.. if one runs AA and D batteries in parallel, will it kill the AA batteries right away? With the external pack mod, I wonder if I would have to disconnect the AA batteries, or use a 6xAA (3V out, 3 pairs in parallel) module to even out the discharge from the batteries in the headlamp itself..
I just bought the Matrix headlamp and took it apart. The circuit has been redesigned, and no longer has a pot. So this won't work with the newer ones.