Flashlight Enthusiast
Is it an aluminum, non-anodized AW tower? IMO, if you build an LED tower using something like a Seoul P4, then the build is relatively straightforward, especially if you use Teflon-jacketed hookup wire. It is true that the 14mm drivers from The Shoppe are not generous in the amount of space/leeway that is available for soldering. But it isn't excessively bad either IMO. It's all throughhole connections.
Another issue may be how close some components are to the edge of the 14mm driver board. There may be a possibility of component contact to the aluminum tower. Moving the inductor in-board might help. Dabbing some liquid electrical tape over the components close to the edge might help. Potting the driver might help.
If you build an XP-G tower, then you may have to make some LED die height adjustments to get the die at the right focus height. You need to know if you have a Seoul or Luxeon focus AW tower. Then, it also depends whether or not you have the XP-G on a 10mm diam, 2mm thick MCPCB or an 8mm diam, ~0.9mm thick MCPCB. Besides any die height adjustments, if you have a 10mm diam MCPCB, you'll have to trim that down to ~8mm diam to fit through the TH reflector opening.
I think you must be CPF's foremost authority on turbosinks
I came across a good photo of yours showing 3 LEDs side by side and the height of the yellow die, and other posts showing how you cut down the 10mm PCB.
BTW, it's the same turbosink I am trying to hawk off on custom/modified BST. These are the thoughts I had before deciding to sell it (I'm still going to sell it unless there are no takers).
I'd have used the 10mm XPG cut to size, and probably one of the Shoppe drivers. I've been looking around for something affordable that runs 1.5A, but that's been hard to find. All the Shoppe stuff except for the stacked drivers seem to max out at 1.5A. I've soldered their drivers for minimag sandwiches before, not too bad