Flashlight Enthusiast
I was just thinking, we are getting close to Christmas and I know several of us will be giving lights as gifts this year so the question is which light and manufacture will be the most popular this year.
I thought it might be fun to see who the winners are so if you plan to give a light as a gift this year please post the model and the manufacture and if this is a popular thread I will create a spread sheet and track the results and update this post as we go.
Anyone care to make an early guess? I will contribute a small gift to the person who can get the closes to naming the quantity of the most popular manufacture and model. The rules are you have to make your guess in the month of November and your post can not be edited in the month of December.
I plan on giving 1 Arc AAA as a gift so I will start the list with my gift.
My early guess for the winner is Arc and with a quantity 160 AAA
Running totals
QTY Models
7 Arc AAA
1 MTE 1xAA
QTY Manufacture
1 KD
updated to post 7
I thought it might be fun to see who the winners are so if you plan to give a light as a gift this year please post the model and the manufacture and if this is a popular thread I will create a spread sheet and track the results and update this post as we go.
Anyone care to make an early guess? I will contribute a small gift to the person who can get the closes to naming the quantity of the most popular manufacture and model. The rules are you have to make your guess in the month of November and your post can not be edited in the month of December.
I plan on giving 1 Arc AAA as a gift so I will start the list with my gift.
My early guess for the winner is Arc and with a quantity 160 AAA
Running totals
QTY Models
7 Arc AAA
1 MTE 1xAA
QTY Manufacture
1 KD
updated to post 7
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