mount a bezel down clipped flashlight to a cap


Newly Enlightened
Sep 27, 2010
I have been looking for a small bright bezel up clipped light and have not had good luck:ironic:. The R5 Quarks are a little too big for me, and I finally came across the ITP A1 EOS. The size is perfect, it is plenty bright at 190 lumens. The 2 downfalls are no clicky(which is nice on the bill of a cap) and I hoped I could reverse the clip, but couldn't. So I have the light I wanted with the clip facing the wrong way so I needed to figure out a different way to mount the light to a cap. I came across this helpful link which mentioned the Larue tactical cap. That seemed like a really good idea but I like my light centered on the bill.
So I came up with this: I took a piece of fabric about 2 inches by 2 inches square and glued the edges to the bottom of the cap bill using liguid stitch. It took about 2 minutes to do the work in my truck, then 24 hours to dry. Now I have the perfect spot to mount my bezel down clipped flashlights.:) I have used the light for a while this way, the light stays put, it doesn't turn or twist or slide out. The only downfall is I have to take the cap off to twist the light on and off.

Here is a pic of the light on my cap:

Here it is from underneath to show size:

Here is the bill with glued fabric:

Liquid stitch is available at Walmart and many other places for less than $5.

If any one knows of a light with a clicky switch less than 3.2 inches long and more than 120 lumens I would love to hear about it! Especially if it is a flood light. I love the ITP A1 EOS but it has too much of a spot for me and I would really like a clicky switch. The size is more important to me than the switch and throw so I am happy with the ITP, but as any flashoholic I am always looking for something more appropriate.:popcorn:

Thanks to PremierD website Design for hosting my pics!
I'm using a 189 lumen Quark Mini 123 on my hat for night rollerblading.

Twisty, but I don't need instant mode changing on a route.

I agree clicky would be nice for when you do want a mode change - I have to literally stop and mess with the light...

Some advice from my personal opinion - I've gone to mounting the light on the top of the bill. Better cooling, no light and mounting crap in my eyesight, better throw angle (for me).

In the dark nobody sees the top of my hat, all they see is the light.

I figured bottom mount would look cooler. Worthless choice. (IMO)
I have a Zebra and love it.

For bill mounting with wrong clip you only need to cut a small 3/8-1/2 inch slice in your bill. Also most bills are made of many lawyers so you don't need to go completely through. If it's a nice hat cut on bottom and it won't show otherwise just cut on top and still not much to see.

Inspect the stitching on bill before cutting and you may need to slide the blade of small knife in just enough to clear a few threads.

Hope that's helpful.
Dude Dudeson, you said you are using a "189 lumen Quark Mini 123" on your hat. That light doesn't come with a clip so how did you mount it? Did you find a clip that fits it tight? I want a Mini 123 because I have an R5 AA running on a 14500 that I love the beam pattern on. My ATP has a little bit too much of a spot too it. My Quark AA is a little big and the bezel sticks out the front of the hat over an inch. So a Quark Mini 123 with a bezel up clip would be great. I think it would be even better if it were 1/2 inch longer and had a clicky switch.

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