MRV for arround the house?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2006
New Mexico
I need some advice. I am strongly tempted to buy a MRV, but it would mainly be used around the house and leaving work. I live in New Mexico, and it is too hot to comfortably walk in the summer, even often at night. So, the MRV would not get that much outdoor use for a while.

Right now, my arround the house and leaving work light is a D-mini with a PEU 18650 tube and the OP reflector. It lights up a decent area, and has plenty of juice to run for a few hours if needed, plus it can slip into a pocket if need be.

Would the MRV still be worth getting for the above application (maybe with the OP reflector) or would it just be overkill?

Please let me know what you think...
I need some advice. I am strongly tempted to buy a MRV, but it would mainly be used around the house and leaving work. I live in New Mexico, and it is too hot to comfortably walk in the summer, even often at night. So, the MRV would not get that much outdoor use for a while.

Right now, my arround the house and leaving work light is a D-mini with a PEU 18650 tube and the OP reflector. It lights up a decent area, and has plenty of juice to run for a few hours if needed, plus it can slip into a pocket if need be.

Would the MRV still be worth getting for the above application (maybe with the OP reflector) or would it just be overkill?

Please let me know what you think...
With the mirrored reflector, no. I've not used it with the OP reflector. This is definitely designed as a throw light. I'm not sure if the OP reflector will make the beam spot bigger at close range. Unless there's a significant difference with the OP, I'd stick with your D-Mini with OP.
I don't have the 18650 extender tube for my D-mini, but if I did, I don't think I'd need the MRV.

Of course, I only have the SMO reflector that gives a lot of throw (too much for around the house, frankly). Might be different with the OP reflector, but I doubt it would be such a great difference compared to your D-mini/OP/18650 combo.
I don't have the 18650 extender tube for my D-mini, but if I did, I don't think I'd need the MRV.

Of course, I only have the SMO reflector that gives a lot of throw (too much for around the house, frankly). Might be different with the OP reflector, but I doubt it would be such a great difference compared to your D-mini/OP/18650 combo.

I've got both lights, and as much as I love my MRV (with and without OP) I have to say that the D-mini w/18650 is more practical for the role you're describing. The MRV puts out a lot of light, but as has already been mentioned, it puts it out in one small spot designed for maximum range. The D-mini is a nice little throw-monster on 3.7v, but it has a good useful flood-aspect to its beam as well. If given a choice between the two, I'd take the 18650-Dmini over the MRV for inside.
Have you looked at an ASP Triad II?
It is an amazing light, perfect balance of throw and flood and very bright with 3 cree's in a light the size of a SF 6P:)
+1 It's overkill and it's pretty darn heavy for it's size. I wore it once, holstered on my belt, it felt like it was pulling my pants down. I think the Lumapower M1 would be a better choice, it's not as heavy as the MRV and has decent throw and runtime. Your D-Mini already sounds perfect for your requirements.

But don't let me stop you from getting a MRV. I like mine, once I got the threads all clean and the switching quirks figured out.

Where is the ASP for sale, and does it take rechargeables?


You may want to do a search on the LED forum, there was a very long post about it.
It is as bright..., no, brighter than the other LED lights I have and the beam is better too!!

I got this one, believe it or not, on ebay!!