Multi stage tailcap ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 30, 2008
Does anyone know of a 2 stage or multistage tail cap for a 6p that will run from 1v to 5.5v? I'm running a Malkoff M30WF with a 4/3af cell and need a low option. What I would really like is one that has low-med-high set to supply 20mah-150mah-full power.Thanks!
Re: Multi stage tailcap ?????????????????

I can suggest making your own...Get o solarforce reverse click tailcap, a two0stage switch from DX and a 15-60 SMD resistor...

The SLF switch board has actually 2 stage circuit and place for a resistor...I you cannot do it have soemone else do is simple soldering job...
Nice find on the XTAR two-stage switches...But i really do not know about the tailcap compatibility...

You wil have to ask here for person taht own those lights and a surefire to check fit...