I recently ordered a R2 CREE drop-in assembly from a Chinese supplier off Ebay. When it came the other day I started to put it in my 9P. But when I screwed the bezel down it wouldn't screw down all the way. It bottomed out tight with about 1/4" left before it was all the way down. I had an M2 bezel, one of the older ones, so I tried the M2 bezel on the 9P body and it screwed all the way down with the drop-in just like it was made for it. I am confused. Because the ad for the drop-in advertised that it would fit a 6P or 9P. But if I hadn't had the M2 bezel I would have been out of luck. The R2 CREE is so bright that I'd like to order several of them for my other 9P's, a 9Z and a 6P. But I don't have anymore M2 bezels and I'm not one to go around with a gap between my bezel and body. I am very happy with the brightness of the darn thing. Compared to a KL5 side by side the Chinese drop-in blows the KL5 away. I just hate to order another one and it be too long also. Has anyone else ordered an LED assembly and found it to be too long for the advertised application? Any way to be sure the one I order will be the right length next time? (without spending an arm and a leg on a custom job)