An old thread but looking for some info.
After 15 Surefire LEDs (incl 2 A2's) and about 10 Fenix LEDs, I have started to get into Incandescents. (starting the wrong way)
Anyway, I want to get an E1E. I have the following questions if anyone can help -
1. Does the LF EO-E1R only take rechargeables?
2. I have AW RCR123s (black ones). Will one of these fit into the E1E? Or is boring required?
3. What is the brightest 2 cell Incandescent? 3 cell incandescent?
I currently have a 6P with extension tube and a P91. (3 cell)
So I can convert it to a 6P with P61 (2 cell)
I also have an M6 but looking for something more EDC.
The A2's are pretty good too.