My Fenix P2D Won't Turn On


Newly Enlightened
Jul 13, 2010
In July of 2008, I purchased a Fenix P2D from an Amazon seller. Starting about a week and a half ago, the light would no longer turn on. I have tried cleaning the threads as some have suggested, and I even tried the L1D body that came with the pack that I got. The L1D body has its own switch, and i tried it with a fresh battery in each of the bodies. Does anybody have any idea of anything else I might try? The seller I bought it from on Amazon doesn't have a website, so I don't know how to get the light repaired. I'd get a different flashlight, but I really like having the interchangeable bodies in case I need to use a AA battery sometime. Thanks for any suggestions anybody might have.
If after a good cleaning and tightening the retaining ring at the tailcap doesn't work. I'd suggest to contact your dealer or any dealer and they may be able to help with a new head. If not contact Fenix directly.

Is the AA body/switch worked before?
did you clean the threads inside and out on all parts?

check the retaining ring inside the tailcap: make sure it is screwed in completely on both bodies. This is most likely the problem

clean the contact point inside the head too

use brand new primary non-rechargeable batteries for the test to eliminate battery problem issues (I have seen more than one occasion where 3 batteries in a row failed, and they where only one year old AA's)

if all this fails, contact your local Fenix dealer directly, they'll help you out.
Okay, I feel so stupid, and I don't know how this is possible that I didn't check this already, but somehow both the P2D body AND the L1D body that I use with the head did not have their tail cap sections firmly tightened. I tightened the part with the button on both bodies, and it worked immediately. I have no idea how I overlooked this. Thanks for the suggestions anyway.