My first good lights and a "hi" thread.


Sep 2, 2009
Joined up a week or so ago to research a good light to buy and I've made the decision - I've actually bought three!

First two are actually the same light - Romisen RC-N3 Q5 II version from shining beam - one for me and one for my father for his birthday.

Second torch is a Fenix TA30.

Also bought 20 Panasonic CR123's (5 sets for the TA30 and 5 for the for the Romisen in single cr123 mode) and 8 Eneloops for economy for the RC-N3 as I'm going to use it alot on my bike as a commuting light.

Cheers and I look forward to contributing more to the forums :)
Joined up a week or so ago to research a good light to buy and I've made the decision - I've actually bought three!

First two are actually the same light - Romisen RC-N3 Q5 II version from shining beam - one for me and one for my father for his birthday.

Second torch is a Fenix TA30.

Also bought 20 Panasonic CR123's (5 sets for the TA30 and 5 for the for the Romisen in single cr123 mode) and 8 Eneloops for economy for the RC-N3 as I'm going to use it alot on my bike as a commuting light.

Cheers and I look forward to contributing more to the forums :)
Welcome to CPF! (Now you need to get a real good light, buy a SureFire!)


It's still not too late to run away before your credit card gets :poof:

Congrats on your new light purchases and welcome to the insanity! :D

Before you know it...:broke:

Which one?
Well you did ask! I'd suggest a Surefire C2 HAIII with a Malkoff M60 or M30 drop in - Just got the M60 combo - love it!!!

Oh I almost forgot - just fitted a Stainless Steel smooth bezel ring - now she's perfect!

Welcome to the poor house, amigafan2003. You're off to a good start. Glad you decided to join us.

Which one?

I would suggest you to not get into any surefire yet. Those flashlights are mainly for hardcore flashlight collectors, SF-to-death fans, or SWAT wannabes. Surefires are well built flashlights, but their performance won't justify the price, in my opinion. Unless you want to collect them and keep them unused in a pelican case...

If you liked your Fenix TA30, and need another light, you should go and try real high performance flashlights.

I could mention few that are interesting:

Eagletac M2XC4: the brightest among multi-die or multi emitters (3xcree), 2x 18650 parallel configuration.
Jetbeam Raptor 2: compact thrower, good looking.
Lummi RAW: the brightest keychain light you can get.
Nitecore EZ series, D10, EX10: compact EDCs, people likes them a lot.
Olight intimidator: when released, will be the brightest single led flashlight in the market.

I would love to add the Stanley HID spotlight here, this is a 3k lumens thrower monster, and you won't belive the price.
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i'd suggest getting some RCR123s (rechargables) and a decent charger for guilt free lumens, i own the Romisen RC N3 II as well and its amazingly bright on RCR123s (3.6volts vs 3 volts) and i get 47 minutes before the protection circuit cuts in.

Good call on the eneloops too! i have about 18 of these cells :D
Second the suggestion above, rechargeables are the way to go.
I've run through mine quite a lot of times already since getting them.
But it's always great to have spare primaries for emergency situations and in case u want to keep ur light in a hot place.
Welcome to CPF! Be warned, however, that "Surefire" and "Malkoff" --especially when combined-- are antithetical to the existance of bank accounts and general wallet health. They have this odd way of multiplying.

In all seriousness, though, they really are that good. I generally prefer to use Surefire lights as hosts to Malkoff LED dropins.

Anyway, welcome to the lumency!
You guys did warm me - I now have an MG PLI, MG L-Mini II, Akoray K-106 and a Quark AA2 - plus 8 18950, 6 16340 and 4 14500 batts + charger. Then about 16 eneloops!

I've even made aquired a metal carry case wih foam inserts to put them all in!

And I'm still looking at more!
+1 for waiting on surefire purchase. They are great lights. However there are many other lights out there with compairable build quality at a lesser cost and better performance.

You guys did warm me - I now have an MG PLI, MG L-Mini II, Akoray K-106 and a Quark AA2 - plus 8 18950, 6 16340 and 4 14500 batts + charger. Then about 16 eneloops!

I've even made aquired a metal carry case wih foam inserts to put them all in!

And I'm still looking at more!

Then I might suggest one of the small but powerfull Maratac AAA or ITP A3 EOS lights to compliment your EDC needs. (I prefer the knurling/styling of the Maratac, but the keychain attachment and price of the A3 EOS, which I opted for at $20!) Check them out in selfbuilt's excellent review here:

Youtube video:

Welcome to my nightmare :welcome:

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You guys did warm me - I now have an MG PLI, MG L-Mini II, Akoray K-106 and a Quark AA2 - plus 8 18950, 6 16340 and 4 14500 batts + charger. Then about 16 eneloops!

I've even made aquired a metal carry case wih foam inserts to put them all in!

And I'm still looking at more!

Welcome :welcome:

Your list of lights just may grow & grow & grow :twothumbs
Then I might suggest one of the small but powerfull Maratac AAA or ITP A3 EOS lights to compliment your EDC needs. (I prefer the knurling/styling of the Maratac, but the keychain attachment and price of the A3 EOS, which I opted for at $20!) Check them out in selfbuilt's excellent review here:

I've seen those lights but I'm really sensitive to PWM.
I've seen those lights but I'm really sensitive to PWM.

I was concerned about that too, but the overwhelming majority of reviews I had read (not making any real mention of it) convinced me to get one. I felt if it was a real problem, these people wouldn't be giving it such accolades. Mine should be here by Tuesday latest. :grin2:
