Orcinus Orca
Newly Enlightened
After ordering my G2 direct from SureFire near the beginning of the month, I was lucky enough to stumble upon this forum and have since taken the opportunity to read a large number of posts, particularly pertaining to my recent order. I must admit that you set my expectations for the G2 quite high, but I am happy to say that they have all be exceded. As I opened the lid to the box, the only thing that I could think was, "Geeezee, I knew this was supposed to be small, but..." Rest assured that any doubts I may have had were quickly assuaged as I placed the batteries inside and departed towards my unlit basement to find that this tiny little flashlight's illumination finesse not only surpassed that of my 3 D cell maglite, but left absolutely no room for comparison. Later this evening I was lucky enough to take both my mag and surefire outside to compare them at longer ranges. Again I was stunned that the G2 lit up the woods seventy-five yards away while my maglight could hardly illuminate a six foot circle while maintaining comparable brightness. (Note: this is only with the P-60 lamp assembly installed in my G2) I could not be more satisfied with my purchase and I thank all of you that have helped me to discover this amazing little wonder. I just hope that your flashaholism has not rubbed off too greatly on me to the point that my bank account will suffer greatly from future SureFire purchases.