My first SureFire... a G2

Orcinus Orca

Newly Enlightened
Nov 6, 2002
After ordering my G2 direct from SureFire near the beginning of the month, I was lucky enough to stumble upon this forum and have since taken the opportunity to read a large number of posts, particularly pertaining to my recent order. I must admit that you set my expectations for the G2 quite high, but I am happy to say that they have all be exceded. As I opened the lid to the box, the only thing that I could think was, "Geeezee, I knew this was supposed to be small, but..." Rest assured that any doubts I may have had were quickly assuaged as I placed the batteries inside and departed towards my unlit basement to find that this tiny little flashlight's illumination finesse not only surpassed that of my 3 D cell maglite, but left absolutely no room for comparison. Later this evening I was lucky enough to take both my mag and surefire outside to compare them at longer ranges. Again I was stunned that the G2 lit up the woods seventy-five yards away while my maglight could hardly illuminate a six foot circle while maintaining comparable brightness. (Note: this is only with the P-60 lamp assembly installed in my G2) I could not be more satisfied with my purchase and I thank all of you that have helped me to discover this amazing little wonder. I just hope that your flashaholism has not rubbed off too greatly on me to the point that my bank account will suffer greatly from future SureFire purchases.
You're bank account WILL suffer greatly. If you're here and you're posting you're done for. Relax. Read. Buy lights.----Marc
Endorsing Surefires to a minor should be a felony. a matter of fact, i believe this issue is being considered in the state of Pennysylvania.
You picked a good model to start with. I have 3 of them (had 3..I just traded one for a knife)& it's my favorite SF for a utility light. I love the weight (or lack there of) & the feeling of being pretty much industructable. The KL3 head should fit it too, as does the t-head. And if you can find one, the A19 can be made to work for a 9V SF. TX
Thanks for the info and advise. I believe however that my condition can be described better in terms of wanting the best of everything. (Watches, knives, of coarse flashlights...) Hence my desire for the best and the brightest has been satisfied for the time being. I cannot see buying any more 2 cell lithiums for now for fear of becoming redundant. I would consider an M3 but the price is a little high for my budget and I simply can't justify the purchase of such a piece of equipment--as tempting as it may be. Its only practical use for me would be WOWing my friends and family, 200 plus...I don't think so. I have allready invested enough in accessories for my G2!
How bright is 120 lumens? I might pick up a G2 also. It would be my first Surefire but ill probly only use the P61 lamp since I have my Scorpion for EDC. Im also getting 24 Rayovac 223's for $18.50 plus shipping soon.
I cannot speak from extensive first hand experience, but from what I have seen with my P-61 is that it is no more intense, but puts out more light as a whole. I find that this difference can be seen most clearly outdoors at medium to long ranges (30-75 yards). Here, the P-61 comes to life, lighting up much more than the P-60. Is it worth the extra 20 bucks? I have yet to find out, the P-60 still impresses the he** out of me.

I knew that the T-head was available for the G2, however I do not recall seeing the G2 listed as being compatable with any of the LED replacement heads. Is this simply an error on the SureFire website or what?

Thanks in advance for your reply.
got my G2 yesterday. this thing is awesome. now im looking to mod. any suggestions? what about clickies and pyrex lenses?
Sounds like you should have gone with the G2Z.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">thought about it but those are things im only toying w/ getting. in all likelihood i probably never will. im still happy w/ my $30 G2
I dont see the G2 bezel on the Surefire site. Anyone know offhand how much it is including shipping? $30 is a hard deal to pass up.
Originally posted by FNG:
I dont see the G2 bezel on the Surefire site. Anyone know offhand how much it is including shipping? $30 is a hard deal to pass up.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I'm not sure, call their 800 number and they can quote you a price.
Originally posted by FNG:
I dont see the G2 bezel on the Surefire site. Anyone know offhand how much it is including shipping? $30 is a hard deal to pass up.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I just ordered one the other day, I believe it was around twelve dollars. (Without shipping)
Just called SureFire customer service for a tracking number. G2Z pyrex bezels are backordered for 2-3 weeks. That means a month untill I get my pyrex bezel or my spares carrier.
I'm still waiting on mine or I'd tell you.
Craig said that his fit on his G2Z and then someone else recently said that his didn't.

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