...I used to post here quite a bit and there for awhile I was buying at least one new light a week. I kept reading posts about flashaholism and decided I must have had it. So I decided to go cold turkey and quit posting here for several months. It was tough at first but somehow I got through it. The other day I was thinking about how I had cured my disese and thought I would be a good guy and come back here and tell you all about it and perhaps help someone with their flashaholism. Before I could post a helpful thread here I see that there are several new Fenix lights, including a couple with really big output using Cree LED modules (wooohooo, bright little lights). I went straight to the Fenix Store (David Chow should be arrested for his total disregard for the well being of flashaholics and their starving families) and ordered one of the P1D-CEs (in black, yeehaw). Then I see on another thread that Pacific Tactical Solutions (Doug was my favorite BIG light junky from my old flashaholic life here) is selling high output replacement lamp assembies. Had to order one of them 700 lumen ones for my 13V extended Wolf Eyes Rattlesnake (big honkin knock somebody over the head and then blind them with the beam light, ALRIGHT). I ordered a couple of the lesser lamp assemblies too (never know when you might need a spare for some light. I am not a flashaholic, I am not a flashaholic, I am not a flashaholic). So then I see a thread about AW selling some Ultrafire charger that will charge my dozens of always kept fully charged (got to be ready for an asteroid striking the earth and creating a three year dark winter) lithium ion cells a lot faster. Had to order one of them bad boys........and a couple of cells just for good measure. So anyway I will not be posting here too much since I am not a flashaholic and I just wanted to let y'all know that going cold turkey is the perfect total lasting cure for your disease. While I am hanging around to see if any of you need help with your problem can you point me in the direction of any other interesting threads or new lights just so I can just kill some time.