My Grandfather's Flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Feb 2, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
This disease is genetic. My grandfather passed away last weekend, and I took an unplanned trip to Texas to bury him. He was 99 years old and was "with it" until the very end.

As I sat on his bed and visited with my family, I realized that there were three flashlights within eye shot of the bed. They were a Garrity 2xAA on a hook by the door, a 4D floodlight within reach of the bed, and a 3XAA 6-3mm LED light next to His Chair.

The night before the funeral, I went to the kitchen drawer to find a bottle opener and saw my grandfather's Mag solitaire. It has obviously seen hard use. My grandfather never spent money foolishly, and I know that this light was chosen because it was the best available to him.

As my family started the arduous task of divvying up the personal effects that were not specifically willed, they asked me what I wanted. The only things I wanted were my grandmother's cast iron skillet, and his light.

Does anyone know how to "date" this light?


You can barely make out the "solitaire" engraving on the head:
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Is the rear o-ring on the tailcap an actual o-ring, or the more modern flanged gasket style?

I picture of the tailcap off and top of the body with the bulb removed will help date it.
The Solitaire was introduced in 1988. There may be some sort of unique characteristics in the different production runs, but I don't know what they would be.

I carried one constantly until the introduction of the Infinity. I carried that until the introduction of the Arc AAA. I eventually went back to carrying the Infinity and then back to a Solitaire with a mod.

Now, between coin cell lights and the wide variety of single cell lights, I generally have at least 4 flashlights in my pockets at any time.

I sorry about your Grandpa. It does look like he may have passed on a useful gene to you.

Hold onto the Solitaire. It's a piece of history that will soon pass.
Is the rear o-ring on the tailcap an actual o-ring, or the more modern flanged gasket style?

I picture of the tailcap off and top of the body with the bulb removed will help date it.
Here you go. One of the head with the bulb removed:

And one of the tailcap. The spring is removed, and the spare bulb is pushed into the cap. The o-ring is a round one, not flanged.


Thank you for posting this very touching thread. :wave:

Bet yer' Grandpa would have some very interesting " flashlight stories " to tell us !

Forgot to mention, Mag Industries has been very helpful in identifying several of my older Maglites. Send them an email, possibly with pics, and they may further assist with your search. Please keep us informed.:)
This reminds me, when I was little (maybe ten years old) I was given a solitaire as a present by a family friend whose wife recently died. I remember thinking how cool and useful the thing was and going around the house flashing things with it.

Had I had super-bright LED lights back then I might have turned a true flashaholic, who knows :p

I'm just sorry I can't find it anymore, I'd love to do a LED conversion but the last time I saw it must have been five years ago...
Aggiegrads, that is a really nice post and great to see your grandfather had such a great run to get to 99. That Solitaire will always hold special memories.
Thank you for sharing this very special light and I am sorry to hear of your loss. :candle:

Sorry for your granddad.
You should foster that Solitaire as it was your granddad's and because a Solitaire is a real classic.

It might become a useful light to you if you put a led mod into it (SMJLED or whatever they are called) As such equipped, the Solitaire is actually useful.

Kind regards,
Take good care of your grandfather's light. You just know that he wanted you to have it. Are you going to keep it in a safe place, or carry it with you always?

Well, his grandfather certainly got use out of it, so I think carrying it would be an excellent way to remember him and keep his spirit.
Really cool light. I own a Solitaire as well, and despite its beam quality it's a cool little light.