My latest headlight Idea - Fenix P3D head


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 24, 2006
I just got this idea to thread a Fenix P3D head into a small aluminum block as a heatsink, then strap the whole thing to a helmet via a Vistalite helmet mount. The block would have holes to feed wires through to a fake battery top and negative ring, plus can have fins for cooling in ambient air. The wires run to 2x18670, 4AA NiMh, 4C NiMh, or whatever, batterypack in the camelbak.
Just reach up and turn the head for the modes (effectively high and low) plus a relocated switch on the top or back of the sink would be on/off and levels.

A P2D head and many others would work as well, I just happen to have access to a P3D and still wondering what to do with it, plus it accepts a wider range of voltage for more battery flexibility and ease of battery pack assembly.