My lites get dimmer by the year


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
I recall the first LED I got was a StreamLight Jr. Luxeon, 2xAA. I was stunned at how bright that 1W was compared to MiniMag incan.

After about a year, replaced it with MiniMag LED 3W. Same thing, stunned.

Then came Fenix L2D.

Now I got an upgrade to Princeton Tec Apex and it dominates Fenix. Suddenly it happened again, the same thing that happened before: The lite that was previously impressive is now somehow dim. I even replaced the NiMH cells in it. It's just out of that league.

And the Malkoff. *sigh* I am currently in amazement phase but I wonder if I see a 1000 lumen lite I will get terribly disappointed with 260 lumens (or whatever it is)
certainly... as battery chemistry and LED emitter technology evolves. Thats just the pace of development. I think it will continue at this pace. The global energy crisis, a continued direction towards electrical efficiency and energy conservation will push LEDs into further development.

I think the only way around this is to use a P60 drop-in based light and just ride the wave of new modules:twothumbs. That way at least you can re-use the same host.
The better things become the less they are appreciated!

When my buddy got his L2D last year he was also stunned :eek:. Within no time at all and without getting a superior light he was totally unimpressed with it.

It is the EXACT same thing as what happens when a stray cat in a bad way lands on you're doorstep. At first it is sooooo pleased to get any attention, to sleep in a garage and get a little bit of measly sub-standard food. In a few days it no longer eats until it becomes sick and just takes the chicken with catmilk and doesn't like being put in the garage to sleep at night at all. After a couple of weeks nothing is good enough, it will ONLY eat the finest most expensive turkey and salmon and will turn its nose up at anything else, it will ONLY sleep on the sofa at night and will claw human hands that try to move it, it will no longer want attention, is no happier than it was when it was out in the garage getting fed scraps and you have in a very short space of time become its servant. That is happening in my household right now as some family members have allowed it to happen and just goes to show that spoiling people/creatures is a bad, bad idea. ;)

The more you get the less you appreciate! Lesson is don't ever get spoilt in the first place! LOL.

Now I'm off to buy a new light to get my weekly fix. I probably won't be very impressed with it like I was when I got my first crummy 5 lumen LED light, but...

To me, the sheer brightness isn't what makes me go 'wow'. It's the combination of brightness in a small package. I am pretty impressed with my P7 maglite 2D, however, I was more impressed with my minimag AA running an SSC P4 just because there is a good amount of output in a very small body. Now if I can get even half the light output of my P4 minimag in the shape and form of a keychain flashlight, I'll be even happier :)
Don't get too worried, the next step in the flashaholic addiction is to realize what you really need/use. Nothing I carry on a daily basis comes even close to my 1200 lumen hotwire, but the dimmer lights have a LOT more practical uses. Even my Malkoff M60 doesn't get too much use b/c it's just too bright for my neighborhood. But when the you know hits the fan, it's time for the big guns and I know i'm prepared.
I have to agree. I find my dimmer light more useful than any other light. I'm still using my little dorcy LED flashlight (1w, maybe 60lm or so) for EDC. In fact, I always carry it around with me. I love the long runtime, lightweight, and durability that it has provided me throughout the years. L)
Yeah, I'm really getting into low level lights lately.

The last thing I bought is a Photon Freedom Micro and I love the low level on this light. It's really low.
Now if I can get even half the light output of my P4 minimag in the shape and form of a keychain flashlight, I'll be even happier :)

Fenix, all their latest models kicks ur minimag :rolleyes:
Fenix, all their latest models kicks ur minimag :rolleyes:

No need to get into a pissing match:thumbsdow

I'm well aware of of the Fenix's offering, but I want something much slimmer and shorter, something that resembles that of a traditional keychain light. That would be the ultimate light for me.
You can't go wrong with the lights there. I have a raw NS, raw AL and a couple of Wee NS's, and I love them. Price is great too.

I'd recommend a pocket rocket Raw AL while they are still in stock as it's limited :)

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