Maby someone can help me with this.
Im using my little LD01 at work for a jear now.
Never had any problems, exept a few days ago. The light began to flicker,so I decided to clean the contacts inside with alcohol.
After cleaning the light was nice and constant again.
Today I needed the light at work (after not using it for a few days) but it gives out no light what so ever.
Tried it with a fully charged eneloop, applying 1,5 Volt from a voltage cource. Again nothing!
What can be wrong with it?
Is there a way to open the head so I can check the electronics inside?
Im using my little LD01 at work for a jear now.
Never had any problems, exept a few days ago. The light began to flicker,so I decided to clean the contacts inside with alcohol.
After cleaning the light was nice and constant again.
Today I needed the light at work (after not using it for a few days) but it gives out no light what so ever.
Tried it with a fully charged eneloop, applying 1,5 Volt from a voltage cource. Again nothing!
What can be wrong with it?
Is there a way to open the head so I can check the electronics inside?