My little Fenix...dead?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 1, 2009
Maby someone can help me with this.
Im using my little LD01 at work for a jear now.
Never had any problems, exept a few days ago. The light began to flicker,so I decided to clean the contacts inside with alcohol.
After cleaning the light was nice and constant again.
Today I needed the light at work (after not using it for a few days) but it gives out no light what so ever.
Tried it with a fully charged eneloop, applying 1,5 Volt from a voltage cource. Again nothing!
What can be wrong with it?
Is there a way to open the head so I can check the electronics inside?
I would start by cleaning the contacts and especially the threads again (in and out)... Check the bottom of the tube for anything that might have fallen inside.
did you lube it? some lubricants, especially silicon are non-conductive, so you don't want to spill any on the threads and contacts.
Try another battery (or try your battery in something else to make sure it works... you never know)

Always double-check the polarity when manually applying voltage, since applying it with reversed polarities will most likely blow the LED.

I don't know how to open the head, but hopefully someone does and will reply.

I feel your pain and hope for the best. If all else fails, contact your Fenix dealer. Even if the warranty is out, they often still take care of it.
If there's a spring on the bottom take it out and clean the bottom and the spring too.
And also clean the polished end of the battery tube.
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