My new Klarus Mi-X6


Newly Enlightened
Apr 21, 2011
Greetings all!

I've been lurking/researching here for awhile. I was looking for a replacement for my Arc Premium. I had it narrowed down to the iTP A3 EOS, Preon Revo, and the Klarus.

I chose the Klarus even though reviews were scarce (except for the excellent video from Going Gear), because it has a steel body, and no PWM.

Even before I knew what PWM was, I knew the "flickering" as I called it, drove me nuts. I'm glad I chose the Klarus. This is an outstanding little light!

Here are some pics. I apologize for the quality. My first product/beam shots with a new camera.

In the box (Sorry, no actual unpacking pics. You get the light, extra O-ring, extra split-ring, and manual. No battery):

Next to my Arc:


AA battery/Arc/Klarus

Tops popped on both (notice the lack of a foam ring on the Klarus, more on that later).

Orange Peel (out of focus ...sorry).

Keychain tools:

I have limited space, and gloss painted walls, so these aren't the best beamshots, but hopefully they'll give you some idea of the beams on the Klarus. (All lumen levels are quoted from Klarus)

All shots using a Duracell AAA Alkaline (All I had on hand):

Klarus: Med (26 Lumens) / Arc

Klarus: Low (3 lumens) / Arc

Klarus: High (85 lumens) / Arc (Wish I had more room. The Klarus devours the Arc at this point).


>Very light, yet strong steel body
>Brushed steel. I was afraid that the light would be slippery without any knurling, but the brushed steel is pretty grippy. The logo helps as well. Running my thumbnail over it, it almost feels like slate.
>Nice throw for a keychain light, high lights up a whole room
>Lamp is well-centered
>Runs M-L-H-Strobe, which I prefer (except for the strobe, not sure I'll ever use that)
>Perfect size for a keychain light
>Waterproof to IPX-8
>No PWM!
> Doesn't skip levels even when twisting very fast

Cons (for me):
No foam ring on head (mentioned in pic above) means that when the light is off, the battery rattles slightly. Not much, but it's there.

All in all I'm really happy with this light. Fit and finish is great, and it seems to be a solid little light that will last.

Thanks to all the hard work and research by the members here that helped me decide.
Very nice first post. I can tell that you have been lurking, and learning. Good review.

Hey thanks for the awesome review, was wondering why there wasn't much talk of the X6 around here. Could you point me to where I could buy this light online?
Hi Degaeil and :welcome:

Your pictures are actually better that what you claim, thanks for sharing them.

The rubber ring that acts as a spring and is stuck to the back of the head is missing in your specimen, this is not normal. I would first check well that it is not loose in the box and if it is not there I would send an email to Klarus asking for a replacement. It is unlikely that a dealer carries spare ones. In the meantime you can wrap the battery in a Post-it to avoid the rattle.

I have been carrying my X6 for more than a month now and I am pretty happy with it. I hang it from my neck under the shirt with a thin rubber cord, alternating it with the X5 which definitely thinner.

Apurva: I bought my Klarus lights in the UK from
Nice review! I've been tempted by this light, but have held off because I don't know if it can handle 10440. It's "not recommended", but unclear whether it's Thou Shalt Not, like the Preon Revo, or Thou Ought Not, Unless Thou Art Careful Not To Let Thine LED Overheat, like my beloved iTP A3.
Thanks for the welcome and the comments!

apurva: I bought mine at

Kilovlolt: Holy cow! You're right! I just watched the review from Going Gear again, and there it is. I checked the box, and it's not there ...rats. I guess I'll email Klarus, although I may give Going Gear a shot.
Thanks for the heads up.

flashflood: 10440? I couldn't tell you. I'd be hesitant to try, and honestly even the alkalines produce enough light for my use. I'll probably get some Ni-Mh's for it.
I'm wondering if the steel might result in too much heat inside the body.
Hi degaeil.

I have the Mi X6 and I agree with you it is a fantastic little light. Just wanted to mention that mine has got the little black pad to stop the battery rattle, so you might want to get in touch with Klarus. Their customer service is absolutely fantastic. I had to contact them when I got my Mi X5 because I needed some replacement O-Rings (kept tearing) and they were dispatched pronto.
Thanks bedazzled. "Their customer service is absolutely fantastic". Good to know. I've sent them an email with my address. Hopefully they can just pop one in the mail for me.

Interestingly enough, the 1/2 inch (diameter) battery retainer from the Arc-AAA fits the Klarus perfectly, and the pressure sensitive adhesive lets you remove it and put it back on, but just a few times I'm guessing. I don't really want to cannibalize my Arc for this, though.
If, for some reason, Klarus doesn't come through for me, I may contact Arc and see if I can get another one from them for a few pennies.

I suppose I could just return the Klarus to Going Gear for a replacement. I've got 12 more days to do that.
I'll see if Klarus get's back to me by mid-week. Keeping all my options open.
i think the foam pad is also the reverse polarity protection. and you may need a suitable glue.
Nice review and photos. Always wondered about the Mi-X6 since I'm a sucker for stainless steel lights. How does the twisty UI feel? Is it pretty smooth?
HIDblue, It's really smooth, and no matter how fast I twisted it, it never skipped a mode.

Update to the retainer pad issue: I emailed both Klarus and
Have not heard from Klarus yet, but Ryan from Going Gear emailed me and said I needn't bother with a return authorization number.
Just send the light back with a description of the issue, and they would refund or replace.
Very impressed with the speed of communication and service from Going Gear.

So, rather than wait for a new pad, I'm going to send the light back for a replacement.
Even with this issue (mistakes happen), I'm still really pleased with the Klarus. :thumbsup:
That's great to hear on both fronts. I may have to pick one up for keychain duty. And I've had nothing but stellar dealings with the folks at GG. Thanks.
Well, all's well that ends well.

Got a new Klarus back from Going Gear today, and...


As you can see, Battery Retaining Pad included.


and a well-centered lamp in this one as well.

With everything sorted out, I'm really impressed with this little AAA.
Which is better:
Klarus Mi-X6 with Sanyo Eneloop
4sevens Preon Revo with Sanyo Eneloop

Which is better:
Klarus Mi-X6 with Sanyo Eneloop
4sevens Preon Revo with Sanyo Eneloop


My Revo's beam is slightly more concentrated than the X6's one which is a bit floodier. Apart from that I don't see much difference. Maybe we can help more if you clarify your requirement and/or definition of 'better'

BTW: :welcome:
thank you for helping...
very kind

i want to use sanyo eneloops. i would only use it as a keychain light.
could u send a pics next to each other (4Sevens ReVo and Klarus Mi X6) ?
the specs say that klarus is smaller in volumen but a bit taler ! is that right ?

which feels in your hands more "high"-quality ? which u like better ?
which is easier to turn on/off (onehanded) ?
are the nearly the same in thoughness ? (water, drop)
how much is the warranty on them ? 1-2 years ?

does anybody familiar with the "new" BLACK edition sanyo eneloops ? are they also in triple A version available ?

klarus mi x6 is stainless steal, right ?
but the revo has also aluminium finish - which i prefer (heat transition, weight, corrosion)

so its a tough call for me to decide (they cost the same), but i don't want to get both...

first i wanted lummi wee or drake or draco, but they are hard to get and cost a fortune. and the other bug disadvantage that they use weird batteries.
i prefer common batteries, like AAA

or are there any better alternatives beside this 2 flashies ?

THANK YOU VERY MUCH (please post pictures from every angle)
Let me try and answer some of your questions.


Size of the two lights is very similar with the Klarus only slightly slimmer. As an EDC I like better the X6 because its steel body is less prone to accidental damages, which is important if you keep it loose in a pocket or attached to your keys.
One-handed operation is more or less the same for the two.

Sorry I do not use Eneloop cells because I tend to favor lithium primaries, they keep their charge for much more time and besides a very small light tends to be used sparingly so cost is not an issue. I can't see anybody walking their dog with a 1 x AAA flashlight in their hands.
I see, very similar...
Thank you for the picture.

Is it not dangerous to use lithium in steel body for a too much period of time ?
I think the eneloops are such a nice batteries to save a bit the enviroment and save money at the same time... If the sanyo solar charger will come in the EU i will buy one for sure. The new eneloops can be charged 1500 times. That's amazing !

U probably know that the ReVo also available in STAINLESS STEEL...
If u had a chance to choose between ReVo SS and X6 (also SS), would u again more tend to the Klarus ?

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First of all let me clarify that I was talking of lithium primaries i.e. 1.5V Energizer Lithium batteries which are perfectly interchangeable with alkalines or NiMHs.

Now that you remind me, yes I knew that Preon Revo is also available in s/s but I still vote for X6 because its body design is different from the one of other lights of the same size and I have too many of them that look the same.

BTW: where are you based in the EU?