My new Peak Eiger AAA has arrived!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 6, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
I must admit, I was very eager to receive my new Peak Eiger AAA in brass. I ordered direct from the web site and went with the Level 7 Medium optic AAA pocket body in brass, neutral emitter.

The usual happened when ordering from the site direct - you place your order - hear nothing for 2-3 days then a shipping comformation email is received. A new Peak light then appears 7-8 days after receiving the shipping email - no problems.

Quality: Quality wise, its up there with my McKinley 7LED Ultra. Nice smooth threads, a very solid feeling light. An OP here mentioned that the 'neutral' emitter is much warmer than the 5A's offered elsewhere - good call - 'very warm emitter' would be a better description. :)

Tint: The tint is beautifully warm with no hint of pink anywhere. It looks similar in tint to a P60 only not so yellow.

Beam: The level 7 medium head beam is just wonderful - very floody but with good throw - much better than the McKinley. The optic based beam is wonderful to my eye with no rings or artifacts to speak of.

Runtimes: I have run the light for 45 minutes non stop with the supplied AAA Sanyo Alkaline. The light doesn't seem to heat up much. I don't have the equipment to measure lumen output but the beam doesn't look to have dimmed much during this test.

After replacing the battery, I did notice the output to increase but not by much - pretty happy with the runtime so far.

Conclusion: Overall, I am very happy with this little fella. I chose the Level 7 as a sort of compromise between runtime and output. I had read of very short runtimes with the level 8 Eiger so went with the level 7. I'm picking up some AAA eneloops today so will retest with these later.

One thing of minor note: There is no Peak engraving on the light - no markings at all! - just a '7' stamped into the positive terminal in the head.

The warm emitter does make this little light unique in my meagre collection. It is like a mini incandescent but with good output & runtime.


I will add some photos tomorrow.


Do you know if Peak sells a brass 2 X CR123 (not RCR123) or 2 X AA (not 14500) flashlight? Their website drives me nuts!

I'm intreagued by their new P7 lights coming out but want no part of Li-Ion
Do you know if Peak sells a brass 2 X CR123 (not RCR123) or 2 X AA (not 14500) flashlight? Their website drives me nuts!

I'm intreagued by their new P7 lights coming out but want no part of Li-Ion
:oops: Wrong See post #5 2 X AA Pacific with 2 X AA battery tube. Not sure if it is still current stock. Wrong See post #5
2 X 123 I'm not sure.
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great to hear u enjoy it, i am mad about peak but their website has driven me to drink and the other website will have me cutting my wrists in record time, lol. however, i do go through a third party, ty HJ, so all isnt lost!

The 2xAA tube is for the cr123 lights(carib, med, atlantic,rainier etc).
the pacific has a 2xAAA option.

for 2xCR123a, you have to step up to their law enforcement lights, these are
in brass.

according to rmsk website Everest will be in brass and there will be an 18500 body.
i'll need a few of those. !
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I will update this thread to inform you guys of my latest Peak acquisition.

My Peak Eiger AAA SS pocket body, level 8 with medium optic. What a fantastic light.

The SS feels like Ti! I get reasonable runtimes with a Eneloop AAA.

I do feel a little odd walking around my yard with such a small light!!!

Last night, we were at my sons child care centre for BBQ fund raiser dinner. One of the guests dropped a piece of jewellery in an unlit sandpit and was panicking.

My wife asked me to give her a torch to help with the search. (She knows I will have a light of some sort in my pocket!)

I handed her the SS Peak Eiger AAA and she gave a strange look - like, what the hell am I going to do with this little thing.

After showing her how to turn it on, she was amazed at the output of this little light.

The ring was quickly found and when she handed back the light she was very appreciative.

Kind of reminds me of the MIB movie when Wil Smith is handed the 'Noisy Cricket' gun.

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