my new sleeper light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 5, 2007
Had a POS plastic 2 x AA lying around at home, it was one of those that my folks bought for 'emergency use', loaded the light with standard 2 x AAs and a sickly yellow beam that would possibly be useful to look at my toes or something, but seriously, in pitch darkness it would probably suffice but i think my E01 is still brighter than this.

So i had this module lying around and i just removed everything from the head and chucked it in, it doesnt screw down, doesn't even fit the head right but what the hey, look at the results.

Running it on 2x14500s that i had lying around too.

This is the POS light


This is a shot without light, if you look real close, there is a tiny bar of light that is the light seeping out from under my room door.


And this is the light in original configuration


And after


Thanks for looking and Seasons Greetings to one and all.
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Wow! Nice work. :twothumbs

It is fun to "hotrod" otherwise boring gear.

I converted a yellow plastic Rayovac Industrial light from incan to LED. Not because it made economic sense, but because I liked the look of the yellow flashlight case and it was fun. :cool:
Wow, I've been looking forever for a Zhao Xing (spelling) yellow plastic light.:twothumbs
Now, Ive finally found one and its been butchered!!!:sigh:

Well, the search continues - MUST BE STRONG, MUST BE STRONG!!:p

All the best


P.S. Sorry.
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Wow, the bulb still hasn't blown even at twice the rated input:eek:! That thing is seriously overdriven:poof:! It must make a lot of light though:thumbsup:.

my apologies, its actually a 7.4volt, 10w bulb, have amended my first post to properly redirect.
Hey you know what it's always good to have a couple POS lights around the house.
I have a $15.00 2D Garrity hanging in my coat closet,sometimes i like to turn it on and look at its pathetic beam.It really makes me appreciate my "real" lights.
Nice work!

The 2x14500 mods are heavily over-looked IMO... You can take almost any 2AA lights, drop in a pair of 14500 cells and a mag 6 cell "xenon" bulb and have a really decent little beater. :)

Hey you know what it's always good to have a couple POS lights around the house.
I have a $15.00 2D Garrity hanging in my coat closet,sometimes i like to turn it on and look at its pathetic beam.It really makes me appreciate my "real" lights.
you should try an ROP bulb in a regular 2xAA PR2 light, with 2 14500....

just make sure you dont melt the reflector..:)

you should try an ROP bulb in a regular 2xAA PR2 light, with 2 14500....

just make sure you dont melt the reflector..:)


dude, i would love to do that, but where do we get ROP bulbs here in our little lovey island paradise?
Awesome sleeper mod. I don't have any 14500s, or I'd have a 2xAA ROP by now, but one of my favorite lights is a $0.99 red Rayovac from Radio Shack that hosts a $3 ROP mod (and $12 bulb and $15 batteries...)

I'm going to have to pick up a good li-ion charger one of these days and try something like this :D
Thanks for the comments guys, this was really a spur of the moment thing as i had some 14500s lying around and this 7.4v 10w module. I dont think i would want to mess around with an ROP mod for this one due to heat issues, this is a cheap plastic light with plastic reflector after all.

It's bright enough as it is (need to do a runtime check) and enough to WOW lotsa non flashaholics, i am waiting to meet with some guys that i go fishing with who lug around showerhead 3xAAA leds and see their reactions, haha
Actually, that's a good point - those D26 modules have their own reflectors...

yep, that's all i had to do. Remove everything from the head, plonk the module on top of the cells, screw the head back in and voila.

UPDATE: ok, the lens is plastic, left the light on and it melted a hole in the lens, lucky my bag didnt catch fire. Replacement glass lens on the way from DX
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