My newest additions


Newly Enlightened
Feb 19, 2008
T dot
Picked up some more Nitecore additions :D

Left to Right from top: Extreme, DI, Limited Silver DI # 876 (was hoping for a lower number :(), Jetbeam Pro-III IBS, Raidfire Spear, Fenix L2D-Q5


Left to Right: Extreme, Limited Silver DI # 876, DI, Fenix L2D-Q5, Jetbeam Pro-III IBS, Raidfire Spear

The Extreme is a nice and small unit. Quality is excellent but I still can't understand why they put the clip over the logo :confused:

Silver DI is the same as usual but no lockout feature as the original. Doesn't really matter to me cuz it'll probably sit in the case being a collector item :D

The Spear and Jetbeam are two nice 18650 lights. I like the Jetbeam because of it's size but for looks and quality I'd have to say the Spear just beats the Jetbeam.

When I got the Fenix I thought it was a nice light with amazing output and throw. Boy was I wrong when the other two came into the picture.

Very happy with all of them and thanx in part to Photon Gears for the Nitecores and Bugout Gear for the Jetbeam. :thumbsup:
love the nitecores looks :thumbsup:
You know the funny thing about this all is that I was never into flashlights and never thought how addicted it can be collecting them 2-3 months ago. What turned me to them was that someone mentioned that they used a Pelican flashlight on the job and that peaked my interest because at that time I wouldn't have minded getting a better, brighter, more durable flashlight for everyday use or when needed.

So I started doing some research and came upon this forum and the rest is history ;)
and right off the bat you are several hundreds$$$$ in the deep end:grin2: good research on the nice pic-ups....i got here because of a blown mr16 bulb on the fiberoptic x-mas tree and stumbled on in here ,then i saw macs torch and was like whaaaaaaaat ..then i researched for my mag and rest is history
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I can think of far worse things to be addicted to...but as far as flashlights go their collectable,retains value,hours of amusement,fun to build,reasearch is enlightening(stimulates the brain),and quite a few others I can't think of off the top of my head(tell me I don't have this speach down for all the nonflashaholics).Welcome aboard,you can look at collections that give you the "I don't fell so bad" or "I've got pleanty of room"...One guy had 14,500 on the 3rd shelf of 4 shelves...Just tell the wife you were mugged,lost it,blew it at the track or whatever works for you in that senerio...Just have fun doing it,and include those around you who see your vision and passion...
Wow, nice little collection there!

I just ordered an Extreme today...I just went out to the mailbox and it isn't here yet :wave:

I agree that the looks of the Extreme are fantastic. I wanted to wait to see if I really needed this light but I had no willpower at all.
You know the funny thing about this all is that I was never into flashlights and never thought how addicted it can be collecting them 2-3 months ago. What turned me to them was that someone mentioned that they used a Pelican flashlight on the job and that peaked my interest because at that time I wouldn't have minded getting a better, brighter, more durable flashlight for everyday use or when needed.

So I started doing some research and came upon this forum and the rest is history ;)
You, my friend, got the same sickness that I did. :candle:

Great collection and great pics!!! :D
What's your serial number on the Spear? Should be on a little plastic 'credit card' under the foam.
I got number 00010
Glad I'm not the only one who splurged recently :D
I picked up 5 EdgeTac lights: 1 Spear, 2 DI, 2 Extreme

Here's my current collection, with my 5 new lights. Sorry for the bad pic quality. Here it is shrunk down to hide that a bit. :green:


The stainless steel NiteCore Extreme head is on the McClickie pak, so the original body has an E1e head on it. The McClickie is a good match. I had to replace the black o-ring with the Extreme's o-ring to get a good twisting action though - the black one was too tight.

I think the card numbers reset for each region. For example, I have #20 for the Defender Infinity Silver, which is also #373 of 1000. I use it at home but don't carry it with me. I'm trying to not get too many finger prints on it, but I'm still going to use it. :D

My Spear is #7, my old DI is #7, and my Stainless Steel Extreme is #7 :D

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