My Shark let out its magic smoke. I think.


Jul 6, 2004
It seems my first attempt at building a custom LED light has failed (quad P4). After soldering in the VIN and GND to the Shark I hooked up an 18650 and proceeded to check that it put out 22V. The moment I touched the second probe to the led+ via (or -, can't remember) a small puff of smoke rose from the board. The strange thing is that it seemed to come from the exact place the probe was touching (on the via), rather than from some component on the borad.
I quickly pulled the battery and checked everything again, looked fine. Hooked the battery back up and attempted to check the voltage again, no puff of smoke but it's only reading the same voltage as the battery.

So, to the question after all that rambling, is there any way for me to check what might have gone wrong? Or should I just go ahead and order a new one? It's not like they're expensive or anything but considering my location it'll take just over a week for a replacement to get here and I have a four day weekend which I planned on putting to good use...