My Triple Seoul and brightness


Newly Enlightened
Jun 14, 2007
I finally put the third LED in my M@G and for some reason it doenst seem as bright as when I had the double set up.

I tool 3" photos and the triple is signifigantly more dim than the Double.

I am using a bflex and its set on the highest setting. (1A) Well its not measured. Gotta see if my handheld VOM will do it.

Also how critical is lense placement when it comes to light output?
I couldnt get a good amperage reading across the + and - that goes to the LEDs. The lights would shut off, so I figured this was bad.

I measured voltage across one LED and was only getting 3.2v.

What do I need to do to get my 3.7?
You can only measure current like "cutting through the wire" - hooking the meter in series with the leds.
its voltage You can get values from + and - pins
what You did was creating a shortcut over that particular led

the bFlex is a buck converter. that means You need (estimated) 2 Volts more input than the output should be.
in case of Ni-Hms: 11 pcs. in series (min)
in case of Li-Ions: 4 pcs. in series (min)
what kind of batt setup do You use now?
I have a 14.8V Li-Ion and checked the voltage last night and it was at 16.8 V.
And I estimate that I need 13V for the three seouls and the bflex.

Is that not enough juice to push them at 1A? I will take it apart to night and see what kind of amperage I am getting.
you put the leds in series right?
because my quick math, and based on what yellow says, what the specs are, and from using a nflex
what you listed here it should work great. weird how its working, but lower. if somone wired it parellel , then the current would be 333 to each led, or something like that. that is why i asked.

you can dump the reverse protection diode to squeese out a tiny bit more voltage (at the risk of reversing) but you have Ample voltage from what i am seeing. so i dont think that is needed.
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I wonder if by some chance I messed up and stuck one in there not in series.
When I was running two alone it was just fine and super bright. I will have to take the lenses off pull the silicone and see what I did. Hopefully its an easy fix.
Ok I was a complete and udder.....well how about not the brightest crayon in the box.

When I reset my bflex I didnt set my max amperage. Now all is good YAY!!
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i knew they didnt reset when you power off or disconnect power totally.

so you had smartly reset it to low or factory default, before messing with the electronics of changing things around, so you could safely test?
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I did a complete reset (10 clicks) to fix see if I could fix a flashing problem I was having. (read the manual fixed the problem) But I never did reset my max amperage. Im just glad I didnt mess something up.
Tested with bench meter and it was pulling .988 mA

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