NDI vs Jet1 for AA bat EDC


Apr 30, 2008
I really want the NDI but no pocket clip. waaaaa!

Jet has a pocket clip that is bezel down yeah!

any advice from those using one or both for EDC? they both would work well on eneloops it appears.
With clip so you mean Jet-I Pro. Both are similar in brightness and runtime, Pro is better thrower but wider beam in NDI is more useful as EDC. Lower modes in Jet are brighter. NDI has nice low 'low' that runs for 2 days! Jet is a nice flashlight to show off, but i prefer NDI in my pocket (it's more useful IMO).
Which Jet1 are u preferring to? The jet-1 Pro (now also IBS) is a nice pocket thrower with blinding light for close call inspection. but the lower low is not that low because the R2 cree that it use is more efficient in term watt/light than q5. (i had it before my brother forcefully took it, hehe)

The second jet I, Mk.Ibs IMHO is comparable with NDI. It has higher low than NDI. with 3 user modes that can be use. but it produces buzz sound in below 50% intensity. (i asked selfbuit, he said its normal for PWM light)

The NDI that i owned doesnt produce buzz sound in all level of light, has lower low but it only has 2 level, max and user defined mode, also foward clicky with momentary mode.

It wil be a close call, i rotate JET 1 MK IBS and NDI everyday. And for jet 2 Pro it is too big to put in your pocket.

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Interesting because low in my Jet-I Mk IBS was higher than in my NDI. And IBS is quite efficient with Li-Ion but when using alkaline or Ni-MH NDI provide longer run time at the same brightness.

PS. R2 has nothing to do with high 'low' mode in Jet Pro.
I use a Rayovac Sportsman Extreme clip, fits perfectly for carry in either direction (bezel up or bezel down)

PS. R2 has nothing to do with high 'low' mode in Jet Pro.

I am not an expert in this but i think it has. my logic will be with the same IBS driver, that drive the same current, the more efficient R2 will produce more light compare to q5.

Btw u are right, JET BEAM has higher low. Ive compared this just now, NDI lowest low, still cannot defeat liteflux lf2x lowest low.

(bah i need to sleep now, its 3.45 am in sydney thats why i am so confused about low and high)

Cheers mate
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Jet-I Pro R2 doesn't have IBS, it has 60lm on low! IBS comes with Q5 only, different current causes higher 'low'.
I just measured a Jet-I Pro R2 next to a Jet-I Pro Q5 I.B.S. on low. The R2 was putting out 23.5x as much light on low as the I.B.S. There is no real comparison between these low modes.

I don't have an NDI to test.

According to my lightbox, the NDI and Jet-I MK IBS produce almost identical output levels on low (although in practice I can tell you the MK IBS has a brighter and more defined hotspot with slightly less spill than the NDI).

I don't have a Jet-I PRO IBS to compare, but I would expect the output isn't that different given the same circuit and emitter is used (just a lot throwier, with that reflector).

In comparison, the low mode of the original Jet-I (R2) was at least 5-8 times as bright in my lightbox, depending on the battery used. See:
JetBeam Jet-I MK IBS Review: Runtimes, Beamshots, Pics, Ramps + UPDATE: Shipping ver!
I hear ya about wanting a pocketclip for AA lights. Lucky there are other pocketclips that fit.
I like oth the NDI and JetI IBS for different reasons. Really if I had to choose I'd probably lean toward the NDI. I'm anxiously awaiting the new Liteflux 5. More reviews for it should be popping up any day now so if you can wait a couple days I'd consider taht one as well.