Which Jet1 are u preferring to? The jet-1 Pro (now also IBS) is a nice pocket thrower with blinding light for close call inspection. but the lower low is not that low because the R2 cree that it use is more efficient in term watt/light than q5. (i had it before my brother forcefully took it, hehe)
The second jet I, Mk.Ibs IMHO is comparable with NDI. It has higher low than NDI. with 3 user modes that can be use. but it produces buzz sound in below 50% intensity. (i asked selfbuit, he said its normal for PWM light)
The NDI that i owned doesnt produce buzz sound in all level of light, has lower low but it only has 2 level, max and user defined mode, also foward clicky with momentary mode.
It wil be a close call, i rotate JET 1 MK IBS and NDI everyday. And for jet 2 Pro it is too big to put in your pocket.