Need a BRIGHT 2 cell 123 LED Light


Apr 9, 2006
Newark, Ohio
The last light I bought was a Fenix P1D with the Premium Q5 Led. This little light never leaves my pocket. Its pretty impressively bright for its small size. However I sometimes find the urge for a more powerful light when I am out in the boonies at night. Something I can clip on my pocket or belt. I have never had a 2 cell LED.

Whats my best lumen for the buck at aroun 100 bucks max? The brighter the better:naughty:
I would recommend a Dereelight CL1H Q5. You can buy different pills to suit different battery types, but if you're looking for something that's very bright, then the digital 3SD module with smooth reflector will give you a very bright hotspot that has good throw plus this uses a rechargable 18650 battery. If you really want it to run on 2x CR123A primaries then you can change the pill, however, most people tend to prefer running this on a 18650 battery as it's driving the emitter at 1.2 amps, whereas the pill designed for primaries, is driving the emitter at 1 amp. This light fulfills all of your needs and will seem easily brighter that your Fenix P1D Q5. this is due to the higher lux numbers in the hotspot produced by the smooth reflector which also makes this a thrower. Plus it's not too big or heavy like the super throwers.
The Dereelight CL1H can be configured with smooth or textured reflectors as well (they are cheap, order both) so you can change the light to suit your needs. With a smooth reflector it will throw very well, and with the textured reflector it will give you a more floody beam for better short to medium range performance.

Get yourself an 18650 or two from AW on the CPFMP Dealer's forum in his AW Battery sale thread, and the Ultrafire charger, if you decide to go with a Dereelight CL1H.
best lumen for the buck at around 100 bucks max?

A new Surefire G2 sells for around $35 on The Marketplace. Add the Malkoff Devices M60 at $68 and you're just three bucks over your target. Killer combination:twothumbs
SF 6P, ~$45 on ebay

From there, pick a drop in to suit your tastes. For starters, the DX-11836 at $13 shipped is a very good value.

Use the rest of the $$$ and stock up on batteries.
+1 on the SF 6P host with many choices of Q5 drop ins. Should be able to stay at or under $100 no problem and get 200+ lumens. Fenix, Tiablo, Dereelight are also good options. :D
I'm a beginner but I just received a brand new Fenix TK10, feels like it's built real well, super nice finish, looks awesome and puts out one hell of a headlamp. I like the simple clicker, momentary or full on and a simple twist of the head between 60 and 225 lumens. Obviously too big for the pocket, great for the nightstand, glove box or backpack, didn't check it out yet but comes with a belt holster too. For in the pocket I do have a P1D with a P2D on the way. I've also been carrying a single stage SureFire E1L for awhile with no complaints.:twothumbs
I'm going to go a different direction on this. I have the p1d-q5, has about 200 lumens at the emitter on turbo, and to truly step up from that, If I'm in the woods and I want more lumens, I'm going multi-led. 3 cree q5's. I like the surefire 700- ebay item #150237835782

aluminum orange peel reflector, glass lens, 45mm head, 7 inches long, and 2 123's, either primary or rechargable. it also takes an 18650 rechargable/protected rechargable. running the 18650 on low you'll get a few more lumens than your p1d on turbo, some decent 3 hour or so run time. and on high you'll get a beam about 3 times what you currently get on turbo. only run time of an hour or less on high.

you get a holster to put on your belt. you can get an exension for another 18650, change the head to a 600 lumen single xenon, get several different accessories. 88 bucks shipped with light, holster and no batteries for 700 emitter lumens. a noticable step up from the p1d. most others mentioned here are smaller, but only running around 200-300 emitter lumens.
...I like the surefire 700- ebay item #150237835782

aluminum orange peel reflector, glass lens, 45mm head, 7 inches long, and 2 123's, either primary or rechargable. it also takes an 18650 rechargable/protected rechargable. running the 18650 on low you'll get a few more lumens than your p1d on turbo, some decent 3 hour or so run time. and on high you'll get a beam about 3 times what you currently get on turbo. only run time of an hour or less on high.

how is it a Surefire?

you get a holster to put on your belt. you can get an exension for another 18650, change the head to a 600 lumen single xenon, get several different accessories. 88 bucks shipped with light, holster and no batteries for 700 emitter lumens. a noticable step up from the p1d. most others mentioned here are smaller, but only running around 200-300 emitter lumens.

where do you get the 700 lumen and 2-300 lumen figure?
You can buy direct from Dae's sites instead of going through ebay. - Wholesale Site - Retail Site
This one REQUIRES an 18650, but it is smaller and probably just as bright as the 3-Cree..... It uses a single P7 (4 in one LED). Same cost.
It is $5 less at DX when you take shipping into account. I have trouble switching modes on mine.
There are now 1, 2, and 5 mode versions. See post #4 in
Sticky: .::List of flashlights using the Cree XR-E, Seoul P4 and Lumiled Rebel LED::. Part 2 by whc
for more details, links.

L0D CE/10440 left (that is the closest I can get to a P1D Q5); MTE P7 right.

Size (top light - the 18650 battery below it is 2xCR123A in length)
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with the P1D you already have all the light you need in your general area, now you need to reach out at touch something far away...any of the 2 cell throwers will be great...

a Dereelight
and the Tiablo A8 or A9 are good choices..

Thanks for all the ideas....I was all ready to order a Fenix TK10......until all these other options. I do have a couple of 6P that I am going to get the LED for, but I still want a new light. Going to check out the Dereelight, never heard of it.
So comparing the Deerelight and the TK10.....which one has the better throw. I am torn between these 2 lights.
Which Dereelight are you wanting... CL1H or DBS model? The Fenix and CL1H will have similar output at similar cost. But the DBS will out throw both at $30-$40 more. All very bright lights.