Need a way to Store and Carry 2 x 17500 Cells


May 21, 2003
West Virginia
I have a couple lights that I am using on a regular basis that use 2 x 17500 Li-Ion cells.
Namely the Streamlight TL3s, and soon to arrive Milky M375.

I need a way to carry 2 x 17500 cells with me as spares.
For the most part, I could pick another 3x123 light, and use that, hehe
But I was wanting to find something smaller, like the plastic match stick tube I have been using for 18650s.

Anyone seen anything that would work?
John Willis...I was looking at some pics of his holsters and battery carriers today. They look very well made. It seems they take a long time to get but they are custom made to your specifications. Try a search with his name and you should get some very nice pics of his stuff. I know Benchmade Boy has a holster for his U2 from him...
Someone once mentioned cigar tubes. And since the 17500s are going to be too large to fit two of them into a matchstick holder, the cigar tube (a plastic one) might not be a bad idea.
If the match tube works for 18650s, it'll fit 17500s too, but you'll need to carry 2 of them. A Vital Gear FB3 body with an E-series head is a very thin and compact way to carry 2x 17500s, and you get a spare light to boot. A VG FB3 + E-series head is about as long as some 2x123A lights! Maybe a small eye-glass case or one of those camera pouches made for ultra-small digital cameras.
Thanks for the ideas guys.
I thought about carrying two of the match stick tubes, but that seems rather silly, and takes more space than it should.
I will have to look into finding a cigar tube, that seems reasonable.

I am not a fan of soft, fabric cases for things like this, but I will keep those in mind also.
They would at least be more flexible to the cell options.


This even has that nice sporty look to carry them in.
I am gonna put another vote in for the cigar tube. Another idea that I use, is an old altoid tin. I lined the inside top and bottom with a napkin, to serve as "packing" material to make the container close tightly. Works great, as I can carry all kinds of battery sizes from RCR123's to 18650's.
A piece of plumbing supply line would work but it would be close in size to carrying a second light.


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