Need advice in choosing charge current for eneloops


Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2007
The charger ( Accupower IQ-128)


has 200, 500 and 700mA charge current options.

Which current should I use for

A: 2000mAh AA-Eneloop

B: 800mAh AAA-Eneloop?

Thanks for your input!

Funny: Accupower is not selling IQ-128 in North America, only in Europe, it seems.

At least I only found Accumanager 10 and Accumanager 20 listed there. They are selling 6 chargers in Europe
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Hi erkkimerkki,

The Accupower IQ-128 is more commonly known as the LaCrosse BC-700 in North America. It is a sibling of the LaCrosse BC-900. You can find lots of information on both chargers by entering either term in the Google search box at the top of this page.

Probably worth specific mention is the fact that certain versions of the BC-900 were prone to a form of melt-down. Insofar as I'm aware, there has never been a report of this happening with the BC-700.

There are proponents of almost every rate of charge, from the default rate of the IQ-128 of 200mA (or .1C) for the Eneloop AA cell, up to a full 2000mA (or 1C).

I would suggest starting with a mid-range charge rate. With the IQ-128, that would have to be 700mA for the Eneloop AA cell and 400mA for the AAA cell.