Flashlight Enthusiast
Hi guys,
With all this talk about cancer, being burned, people's dogs dying... etc... how about something a little lighter???
Right now I have a one year old garage door opener, a Genie screw-drive. It's bolted to the garage ceiling, which happens to also be the floor of the master bedroom above.
I leave for work at 5:30 am when the wife is still sleeping and hate, HATE, to wake her with that loud 60 Hz BUZZZZZZZZZ! that comes from the motor like you might've heard from the old Family Feud TV game show. I've heard it from the master bedroom and it's really heart-stopping.
Not knowing much about automatic garage door openers, I don't know if the noise is generated principally by the AC motor or ??? The door moves slowly enough to where I don't think metal wheels rolling up and down a metal track are much of the noise issue. They just sort of clink along.
Would a belt-drive opener eliminate much of the 60 Hz noise? Or would I be better off doing something like converting the opener to use a DC motor?
With all this talk about cancer, being burned, people's dogs dying... etc... how about something a little lighter???
Right now I have a one year old garage door opener, a Genie screw-drive. It's bolted to the garage ceiling, which happens to also be the floor of the master bedroom above.
I leave for work at 5:30 am when the wife is still sleeping and hate, HATE, to wake her with that loud 60 Hz BUZZZZZZZZZ! that comes from the motor like you might've heard from the old Family Feud TV game show. I've heard it from the master bedroom and it's really heart-stopping.
Not knowing much about automatic garage door openers, I don't know if the noise is generated principally by the AC motor or ??? The door moves slowly enough to where I don't think metal wheels rolling up and down a metal track are much of the noise issue. They just sort of clink along.
Would a belt-drive opener eliminate much of the 60 Hz noise? Or would I be better off doing something like converting the opener to use a DC motor?