Need help choosing new multitool!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2006
Hey folks, I'm looking for a new multitool and need advice.

I've used and broken several Leathermans, really turned me off on the brand. I currently carry a Gerber Diesel(of course) that has served me well, but it's a bit chintzy, a bit big, and has a bunch of extra stuff on it that I don't want/need to carry around. To it's credit, it has not complained nor broken despite being used for things that have trashed Leathermans.

What I need is:

Good STURDY pliers
Straight blade screwdriver, couple sizes
#2 Phillips screwdriver
Can opener

What I don't need:

A blade on the multitool - I carry a much more capable folder, although I wouldn't mind a backup, two is one and one is none and all that
Scissors - I have a blade
Bottle opener

I fondled a couple SOG's in the store, clearly an entirely different class of tool than Leatherman or Gerber. I like the idea of the Micro ToolClip, although it won't be available for a few months and I haven't seen one in a store(obviously), but I'm concerned about it's quality/durability(made in China), and the fact that it only seems to hold three tools in addition to the pliers. I really love the SOG wire strippers, that's a feature that would really come in handy for me, although a knife does just fine in a pinch.

Thanks for the help, folks.
If it's STURDY you want, take a look at the Victorinox SwissTool. Not the SwissTool Spirit, that one's more in the LM Wave class; the original SwissTool is a brute.

There are three model, with minor differences in implements, plus a black-coated model. Check 'em out, I'm bettin' one of 'em strikes your fancy.

+1 for the SwissTool.
Bought mine 10 years ago and its great. It even replace my EDC folding knife.
Take a serious look at the SOG Powerlock. It is my favorite fullsize multitool and I love it. The tools in it can be removed and replaced just how you want it. The pliers are the smoothest of any multi I have tried because they are gear driven and have a lot of leverage for a multi tool. Take a serious look at a Sog Powerlock.

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