Need help! Need to modify a MD2 High/Low Bezel switch to a High/Medium


Newly Enlightened
Feb 12, 2020
Gene said he's too busy to do custom work. I have a Malkoff MD2 with the High/Low Bezel switch and I need it modified to be High/Medium (and I need about 50-70 Lumens on Medium) Gene said there was a user named "Infernal" that had done these mods but I ran searches and cannot find him. Anyone here done this mod before? It looks like just a resistor of some sort needs to be changed but I'm not sure. I'm currently using the stock 450 Lumen Cree LED but I have a M61 219B V3 coming, I understand the high Medium levels will be different between the two drop ins.
Infrnl has done them in the past

Though I haven't seen infrnl on here for atleast a month or two maybe longer . I know he had a lot going on at home with projects and such and I know he sold all of his unnecessary stuff and only kept what he needed .

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It looks like a resistor of some sort in what looks like potting material attached to a brass ring. Do you think he'd still have the tools and the time to do it? I'm a mechanic and this MD2 isn't very useful on low and it's not too bad on high with the 3500 in it but a medium mode would be nice. (I've just learned to accept the MDC HA AA it stays at home now -_-)
The tools, I'm sure

The time , no idea

Like I said I haven't seen him on here in a while and I know he had a good bit going on at home .

I know another member here is suppose to be getting in contact with him to do some runtime testing on some GB modules . But I don't know if he has his personal contact information or not .

Try to pm him

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You need a higher watt resistor, I'm currently doing the opposite as you. I'm replacing the resistor on a 91t to get a lower low
You need to use a resistor with the same wattage rating. To get a brighter low mode, you need to use a resistor with a lower resistance value.
Yes, INFRNL is the guy. I replied to the pms, sorry for the delay.

Yes, simple resistor swap but you have to know what resistor to use or play around with several.

I also have blank switches for this very purpose... No need to mess with the compound, or overheating the ring melting the insulator(if not careful)