Need help with Malkoff M60 indentification


Newly Enlightened
Jan 22, 2008
I've got a Malkoff M60 (high output model) that I was told is the Q5 version. However, it only has "M60" engraved on it. I just saw a picture of a M60 Q5 on BST, and it also had "Q5" engraved on it. It's my understanding that the brass housing/sink was only implemented with the Q4's and Q5's so I believe it's one of those two versions.

However, is there really anyway to tell if it's a Q4 or Q5? Has anyone received a Q5 that didn't have "Q5" engraved?

Any info is appreciated.

My Q4 (brass) did indeed have "Q4" engraved on it, and my Q2 (aluminum?) was marked "Q2". Haven't had a Q5 in my hands.
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If you bought it from Gene and you ordered a Q5 then that's what you got. Mine just says M60. If you bought it used only Gene could probably tell you without taking it apart.
Thanks for the replies guys. I purchased the drop-in off the BST. I'm less worried now, as it's apparent that the engraving is not a universal marking of identification. In other words, even if absent, it could still be a Q5, and that's what I'll take it as. I purchased it advertised as such, and was told it was from the most recent batch (prior to the most most recent). So a Q5 it is, at least until I hear something that contradicts that.

Thanks again for the prompt replies!!
Because of the volume I'm starting to put out, I recently started just engraving "M60" on them. Except for a few earlier ones, all of the brass heatsinked models are Q5's. The ones that aren't Q5's are marked as "M60 Q4". Your "M60" is a Q5.

Thanks, Gene