Need help with rech batt


Newly Enlightened
Jun 13, 2007
I have recently become infected with the disease. I can't stop buying lights! I would like to look into rechargeables. I have five AAA lights, two AA lights and several D-Cell lights. I would very much appriciate some help choosing something good but not horribly expensive. Rayovac Hybrid batteries have been suggested.

These are my lights:
1 2 D-Cell Mag-Light with Mag LED
1 reg 2 D-Cell Mag
2 Dorcy Metal Gear LEDs(AAA)
1 Rayovac Sportsman Xtreme (AA)
3 Garrity 9 LED (AAA)
1 2 D-Cell Garrity
Before you get too carried away with buying AA & AAA rechargeable batteries consider what other rechargeable batteries you will need, since you are just getting into buying LED lights and Incandescent lights. It's my personal experience where I only own RCR123, 17670, and 18650 batteries, because of the flashlights I own.
You might be like I am and just buy everything:oops:
For AA and AAA batteries, eneloops with the included charger (if you need a charger) are pricey but good. For the D cells, perhaps someone else can provide a recommendation. Rayovac Hybrids are good cells but my understanding is the charger sold with them is dumb compared to the two and four cell eneloop chargers.
Get Sanyo Eneloops and the official Sanyo Eneloop charger if you can find them where you are. Eneloops are bit more expensive. Rayovac Hybrids should be next in-line. Kodak Pre-charged I hear are also good.
Well Radio Shack batteries and chargers are some of the worst there are. Energizer is having a lot of issues with self discharge and a lot of people are getting coupons for replacements.
If you really serious about batteries and chargers they save your $ buying cheap retail store chargers and buy one decent one. I must have spent a couple hundred $ over the years in various chargers and completely wasted my $ finally investing $40 in a decent MAHA charger. Its like anything else you can buy cheap a whole bunch of times and spend more than buying quality once.
What stores do you have locally, i.e. where are you?
The maha stuff is good.
You can order from (thomas distributing) I have the MAHA C401FS but it won't do your D cells.
I'm looking at the MAHA MH-C808M Professional Battery Charger since it charges AAA, AA, C, and D's. I'm probably going to go with MAHA POWEREX 11,000MAH D RECHARGEABLE's and thier MAHA POWEREX 2700 MAH AA's along with the MAHA POWEREX 1000MAH AAA's. The initial investment looks to be kinda high but I know they'll pay for themselves since I play around with my lights allot.

Thanks for the tip and for telling me about Eugene!
I found them in several posts on here and made my first purchase this year when I bought the 401FS (I require 12v in for all my gear)

One thing you should decide on is to go traditional NiMH or low self discharge NiMH. The traditional NiMH self discharge 1-2% a day where the low self discharge loose 1-2% a month. Trade off is the low self discharge are all around 2000mAh where the traditional are reaching 2700mAh (for AA).
I prefer the low self discharge so I can have a spare set of batteries already charged and don't have to wait for them to charge or get them fresh off the charger to get their maximum power.
You may want to buy a set of each and compare yourself based on your usage habits. Mine go on my emergency/outdoor gear which might set a few months in the winter without being used or be charged up sometime during the week when I stage for a weekend trip so I seldom used batteries hot off the charger and the self discharge of traditional NiMH was too much for me.
Are you refering to the Accupower AccuLoop's?
SANYO ENELOOPs. Would they be ok in the MAHA MH-C808M Professional Battery Charger ?

Price wise they are pretty close. What's the difference you can see using a light with 2000mAh instead of 2700mAh?

NEVER MIND!! I actually tried reading some other posts and the ENELOOP's are for me!
Plus to qoute Norm from another thread,
There are 3 AA to D adapters, then you would have a 6000mA D cell.
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It looks like there is a play on words with the AccuLoops - trying to sound like Eneloops...

The Sanyo Eneloops are considered by many to be the "Rolls Royce" of low self-discharge Ni-MH batteries. So far, so good.

The Eneloop clones (Rayovac Hybrid, Kodak Pre-Charged, the Mahas you mentioned, etc.) are a few bucks cheaper, and seem to be holding their own with the Eneloops. But the Eneloops seem to hold their charge a bit longer.

But, all these cells are between 2000 and 2100 mAh.

You ask about the 2700 mAh cells. I use Sony 2700 mAh in my Fenix L2D CE, with excellent results. But I use the light every night. :duh2:

You won't get a brighter light with the 2700's compared to the 2000's - you'll just get more runtime...
It looks like there is a play on words with the AccuLoops - trying to sound like Eneloops...

The Sanyo Eneloops are considered by many to be the "Rolls Royce" of low self-discharge Ni-MH batteries. So far, so good.

The Eneloop clones (Rayovac Hybrid, Kodak Pre-Charged, the Mahas you mentioned, etc.) are a few bucks cheaper, and seem to be holding their own with the Eneloops. But the Eneloops seem to hold their charge a bit longer.

But, all these cells are between 2000 and 2100 mAh.

You ask about the 2700 mAh cells. I use Sony 2700 mAh in my Fenix L2D CE, with excellent results. But I use the light every night. :duh2:

You won't get a brighter light with the 2700's compared to the 2000's - you'll just get more runtime...
Cool. I have a 2 AA light that has a 2 hour run time. Would I still get that with the Eneloops? Or even maybe better?
It depends on what type of batteries you are using to get that 2 hour runtime.

Usually, using Ni-MH in a light will increase runtime,( when compared to using regular old alkalines).
I run eneloop cells in my AA/AAA lights, Duracell C & D primaries in my Mag Incan lights. I really don't use the MAG C/D lights since I found quality LED lights, so primaries are fine.

For my CR123A lights I use protected RCR123A cells, Li-Ion 18650s in the lights that can accomodate them.
I run eneloop cells in my AA/AAA lights, Duracell C & D primaries in my Mag Incan lights. I really don't use the MAG C/D lights since I found quality LED lights, so primaries are fine.

For my CR123A lights I use protected RCR123A cells, Li-Ion 18650s in the lights that can accomodate them.
You know that raises another thought. How long will Duracell or Rayovac primaries last when not being used?
They have a long shelf life (not as long as lithium primaries), and I keep them in cold storage when not in my lights.