Need help with Visual FoxPro


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I would like to slightly modify a foxpro exe file that was written for our office years ago.
There are multiple files with various file extensions that even google doesn't recognize.

*.fpt *.fxp *.scx ... etc. there are a number of *.dbf files. I think it uses a version of SQL and tables.

It appears that there a few notepad editable txt files with the file extension of *.prg
There are a number or If then else or do while loops, in those prg files. If I edit them, and then run the exe program file, it makes no difference.

My thought is that after I make an edit I have to compile the program and create a new exe file.
About 30 years ago I compiled a "Hello world" Pascal program.

I am no longer surprised at the amount of collective knowledge here at CPF.

Do you have any experience with visual foxpro? Can you point me in the right direction?
I'm still trying to figure out the defrost on my microwave so I'm not help what-so-ever.

I did see some conversion stuff on the internet but since it was a "free download" I was suspicious and choose not to provide a link.