Need input on EagleTac T20C2MKII vs. 4Sevens Maelstrom G5


Aug 16, 2010
Hello All,

As a newbie, this only my third post ever, (all today) and my first request for help deciding between products, the ET T20C2 MKII vs. the 4/7 Maelstrom G5.

All things considered and the fact that other than the slightly different UI's, these torches are very similar. I am looking for opinions as to whether the G5's lux at around 17K vs. ET's lux with the R2 drop-in at around 13K, based on "Selfbuilt's" reviews is enough on its own to go with the G5.

Most of the use will be general purpose in outdoor settings and I want as much lux as I can get for a light of this style, size, functions, etc. I believe I have looked at every similar prospect and finally narrowed my choice down to these two models. BTW, I currently have the ET T20C2 MKII with the XPG-R5 (lots of lumens w/ great beam pattern) and the Fenix TA21 (also plenty of lumens with a tighter beam, but lacking significant lux).

Please respond with opinions and perhaps factors to consider beyond straightforward lux ratings! Thanks!

All the best,
John C
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I'm interested too in a comparison of these 2 lights.

Specifically I'd like to know how the
hotspot size compares between the XP-G T20C2 and the Maelstrom and the E2DL/LX2.

Center lux I'm already know the Maelstrom is tops.
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Although, I can't help with hot spot comparisons, I have made up my mind to order the G5. :thumbsup:

My reasons include not only the greater lux of the G5, but I also confirmed today that 4Sevens changed the UI by eliminating the 4 lumen setting and added a second "max" lumen setting to the general light settings mode. So now the "max" can be accessed without having to switch over to the tactical mode because it's now available in both modes. I just hope the one I ordered comes with the new configuration as I was told it should. I just hope "should" is really "was"!

Another reason for my decision stems from my one dislike of the ET T20C2 MKII in that you have to get into the tactical mode to access a low lumem level. I just don't understand why they would do that, but then I don't care anymore because I'll have what I desire from the G5. Plus the G5 starts from off to on by going back to last mode used. However, I still love my T20 w/ the XPG-R5 and will using it often.

All the best,
with the ET T20C2 MKII you can access the strobe by double pressing the clicky (half press), you can disable it, or enable it with 15 half presses
You made a great choice. I have both lights and the Maelstrom G5 totally blows the EagleTac T20C2 away. The output (Lux) is not even close. The G5 has Much better throw than the T20C2. With the update to the Maelstrom interface, the light is perfect. I just wish my Maelstrom had the updated interface. That is what I get for buying a light right after it comes out. I guess I will not be doing that again.

Has the return policy timeframe of the dealer you purchased your G5 from already passed? If not, and you meet all of the requirements for a return, then return it to the original dealer and ask if they have the new version available to send out in exchange. If they don't have the new one yet, then you could still return it and then order the new version from a dealer confirmed to have the new one. Obviously 4Sevens direct has it and I know is selling only the new versions.

If it's too late to return it to the original dealer, maybe David at 4Sevens would be willing to exchange it as a gesture of goodwill, since the changes occurred rather quickly since the G5 was introduced or perhaps Marshall at GoingGear would trade with you, also as a gesture of goodwill and/or in return for your honor that you'll purchase your next light(s) from them. Offering to make another immediate purchase of some sort if either make an exchange might encourage them to help you out.

I hope I'm not putting these guys in an awkward position to make that type of decision, but I always say it can't hurt to ask. In this economy, any business is good business even if there is no immediate gain to be made. At least that's the way I feel when I do business! It's good karma!!!

All the best,
Just checked the specs of the g5 here is it correct that the only settings are

Typical Output and Runtimes

  • Moonlight: 0.2 lumens, 7.5 days
  • Low: 4.0 lumens, 3.0 days
  • Medium: 28 lumens, 22 hours
  • High: 200 lumens, 3.1 hours
  • Max: 350 lumens, 1.3 hours
  • Strobe: 2.7 hours
  • S.O.S.: 8.5 hours
  • Beacon: 30 days
Trying to ascertain if there is a setting for around the 60 lumen for everyday close in work.

Still searching these forums for a comparison/review, will update if and when I find it. I will get used to these forums one day lol!

As we learned a few days ago, the G5 was slightly modified when the 4 lumen mode was eliminated and a second max mode was added. Now max is available in both the general and tactical settings.

Unless they modify the settings again, there is nothing in the 60 lumen range.

With the amount of information available on CPF, especially the reviews by "selfbuilt", "aardvark, and others, you'll find the perfect light for your needs eventually!

All the best,
One advantage of the Eagletac lights in the outdoors is that they're available with neutral white tinted LEDs, which have better color rendition and don't wash out all the green shades the way cool white tints do.
Sweet, like so many people I sometimes think more lumens is better. One thing I personally like in a torch is not too many settings, and a low and high setting that is easy to configure. The way I see it at the moment, the g5 is a all or nothing torch yeah?
G5 is rated at 350 OTF. I've seen the prototype measured at 320 and 325 but that was at 1 second. It will settle in at a little less than 300 after it has been on a few minutes. I don't know if the output was bumped at all in the shipping version.

I put an XR-E R2 drop-in into my T20C2 MKII and It now thorws nearly as far as the G5 but has a smaller hotspot/spill. The G5 still blows it away but I now like my T20C2 for outdoor use much better. I like the XP-G for indoors better though. Very easy to swap between the two without any tools - less than 2 min. The T20C2 MKII (XR-E R2 drop-in) and my RRT-2 are now nearly impossible to differentiate between. The G5 still blows them both away (and pretty much every other off the shelf single 18650 light in that size range with that size head). The G5 makes the Fenix TK11/TK12 look like a toy. It really is amazing for the size.
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G5 is rated at 350 OTF.

I put an XR-E R2 drop-in into my T20C2 MKII and It now thorws nearly as far as the G5 but has a smaller hotspot/spill. The G5 still blows it away but I now like my T20C2 for outdoor use much better. I like the XP-G for indoors better though. Very easy to swap between the two without any tools - less than 2 min. The T20C2 MKII (XR-E R2 drop-in) and my RRT-2 are now nearly impossible to differentiate between. The G5 still blows them both away (and pretty much every other off the shelf single 18650 light in that size range with that size head). The G5 makes the Fenix TK11/TK12 look like a toy. It really is amazing for the size.


I'll be closing out my involvement in my sub $150 thrower thread by tommorrow. Thanks again for sharing your fun with the M3C4.

Now I have questions regarding the G5 vs. T20 (w/ R2 drop-in) because I have the T20 and was considering the R2. I already tried the Q4 drop-in. Are you reading Tod?

First, what's the beam like on the T20 w/ R2 drop-in (ringy, donut hole, corona, etc., if any) compared to the G5's beam?

Second, now that you have the G5 w/ all the general light modes in one group and the variety of strobe modes + 2nd max in another group and the ability to keep the G5 at your bedside or wherever, with the head turned to the moonlight mode upon start-up versus the T20 that doesn't include the low mode in with the other 2 general light modes and can't start-up on any less than mid mode (which to me is useless because it's too close to the high mode), how do you feel about the T20 in general?

Three, do you think if this CPF thread word processing system had a spell/grammar check, that the last sentence would be flagged as a run-on?


thanks! i am curious about the g5
i appreciate your feedback:)

Hey jax,

In the past month, since I joined CPF, I've learned how to ask questions a little more concisely, although in order to be accurate in my queries so that I get the info I'm looking for, I still tend to be wordy.

What exactly are you curious about or rather looking for in a flashlight?

My description of the G5 is a general purpose, multi-mode, light with very good throwing capability for its size (17K+ lux) as opposed to being a thrower (at least 30K+ lux) with GP capabilties.

Hey jax,

In the past month, since I joined CPF, I've learned how to ask questions a little more concisely, although in order to be accurate in my queries so that I get the info I'm looking for, I still tend to be wordy.

What exactly are you curious about or rather looking for in a flashlight?

My description of the G5 is a general purpose, multi-mode, light with very good throwing capability for its size (17K+ lux) as opposed to being a thrower (at least 30K+ lux) with GP capabilties.

well,i guess i mean,i need a light that lights up the forest trails at a wide angle,wall of light for 100-150ft ahead of me,with very good brightness,rather than a little spill and medium/long throw,i want alot of spill and less long range hotspot does the g5 concentrate its beam pattern to the point that i would be not what i am looking for?
i cant test try these things first,where i live..remote wilderness of canada..for the record i am using a fenix tk 11 r5 for this now..any help would be appr..thank u
Off topic, jcalvert your opening line says you only have three posts today, yet you have flashaholic status with 122 posts in a month? Am I missing something?
First, what's the beam like on the T20 w/ R2 drop-in (ringy, donut hole, corona, etc., if any) compared to the G5's beam?
no donut hole
great for outdoors because I cant really see the rings. I like the XP-G better for inside useage.

how do you feel about the T20 in general?
Edit: I was thinking of a different light. I really like the T20C2 because of the different drop-ins available and the light weight, balanced feeling of the light in my hand but yes, I don't like that I can't start the light on low. I will keep it because of the drop-in ability of the light. The reality is that the G5 blows it away in every area but size and weight.

Three, do you think if this CPF thread word processing system had a spell/grammar check, that the last sentence would be flagged as a run-on?
Sometimes it is better not to know
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well,i guess i mean,i need a light that lights up the forest trails at a wide angle,wall of light for 100-150ft ahead of me,with very good brightness,rather than a little spill and medium/long throw,i want alot of spill and less long range hotspot does the g5 concentrate its beam pattern to the point that i would be not what i am looking for?
i cant test try these things first,where i live..remote wilderness of canada..for the record i am using a fenix tk 11 r5 for this now..any help would be appr..thank u


First, I hope I didn't come off as patronizing, when I read back my response, I thought what I wrote may be misinterpreted.

Anyway, from my personal experience, when considering your needs, especially for both a lot of flood and plenty of throw, I think the EagleTac T20C2 MKII would be a great choice. I have both, but I think the G5 simply throws further while providing less flood than the T20.

Hopefully that's helpful!


p.s.: jax, tre reminded me of something I do not like about the T20... its UI. Although the T20 w/ default XGP-R5 drop-in LED fits your lighting criteria a little better IMO, the UI makes me now want you to consider the G5 very strongly. On the other hand, the T20 is modular whereby you can easily change out diferent LEDs of different types (purchased seperately for $22.99) to fit different needs like the the Q4 drop-in module for color rendition that would be veru useful in the woods and the XRE-R2 that would give the G5 a run for its money regarding throw. However, the G5's UI is considerably more appealling. Sorry to present more confusion. I wish I was in position to be where you hike to make a real world recommendation. At least those are the two lights I have personal experience with that I also recommend, with six-of-one and half dozen of another being where we are for the moment. You need more input from others!

In the meantime, if I had to make a last minute decision, I would not worry about the T20's UI as much as I would focus being able to buy seperate drop-ins for the T20 and your potentially different needs and in your case, with the default XPG-R5 on the T20, I would also order the Q4 neutral white drop-in module for color rendition. The cost of buying both would be comparable to the G5's current price.

Off topic, jcalvert your opening line says you only have three posts today, yet you have flashaholic status with 122 posts in a month? Am I missing something?


Explanation: I see what you're talking about, I started this thread on the 6th and at that time it was my third post ever.

As a newbie and as of today 9/24/10, I must of hit some sort of number threshold that I was unaware existed. I would certainly not consider myself a flashoholic by a long shot compared to so many others. Obviously, anything I know about flashlights and their technology came from the true experts here on CPF.

Between suffering from the effects of two botched hip replacements and preparing for another corrective surgery, I don't sleep much and I'm very limited as to my physical activity. So naturally, I have way too much time on my hands. It's been entertaining and informative to be a member, but I'm no flashoholic!

All the best,
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