Need "Monocular" Recomendations


Dec 29, 2005
San Francisco
I'd like to get a nice Monocular. Anyone have any experience or recomendations on them? No specific use in mind. Would like to get a nice one.

Thanks, frisco

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I have two old Minox T-8 monoculars and I join Bigiron in recommending this brand. Their size is really small but the performance outstanding.
You could get a Monocular with image stabilizers... but they'll cost around the $1000++ region, if I'm not wrong. Otherwise, Zeiss/Nikon has the best optics.
Well, Mine just came in! 1st impression is very good! Very clear and quality is high. Thanks for the recomendation.


This is very nice and easy to focus with one hand. Traditionl designs require both hands. Mine is very sharp and bright.

I have several others but far prefer this one.

About the only upside of only one eye is that I don't have to mess with the bulk and weight of regular binocs.,83680_Minox-MD-E-Monocular-6x16.html

This is very nice and easy to focus with one hand. Traditionl designs require both hands. Mine is very sharp and bright.

I have several others but far prefer this one.

About the only upside of only one eye is that I don't have to mess with the bulk and weight of regular binocs.

GEEZ-Louise!! That's an amazing price! Heck I was willing to pay more than that for a used one a few months ago. Nice find BIGIRON.
What I like about the Brunton is it's 13" near focus!! Check a flower or bug out with that & then use it as a regular monocular as well! NICE for closeups!!
Not sure, but I think there's a couple of different variations of the Minox monocular. They may well be more expensive.
The Minox fits very nicely in an old ARC LS pouch, if you've got one of those laying around somewhere.

Took my BigIron Minox Monocular to the Golden Gate Bridge today to watch the Blue Angels. Pretty nice! I adapted to it pretty fast. Looked at a few planes.......... Than found the Minox Monocular likes to be used to look at cute woman! Not my fault..... I think they have a babe sensor in them!

Good clear optics are important for my older eyes to reduce eye strain. Does the Minox fall into this catagory? Also, will these work well wearing glasses?

Hmmm.... I noticed this model from Brunton that I've never seen before. Looks like it appeared sometime in 2008. It boasts a variable 10x to 30x zoom magnification while being only 4 1/4 inches long and just 3.3 ounces in weight (per Amazon website). This may just replace my Mystery brand 7x-14x, 5.51 inch long, 6.28 ounce monocular I currently carry in my pack.