Need new chargers, again, for NiMH, NiCd, and Lithium...

Jul 15, 2007
I'm tired of using my Nitecore units with their 'bad bays' (broke right after warranty). I can only charge 3 cells at a time, and even then the 'good bays' get confused now and then switching chemistries after the cell starts charging.

In short, I need something more reliable long term.

The D4s stunk, the i4 broke, the 2 slot blinky LED works most of the time but you can't really see what's happening. (verified genuine)
The Lacrosse unit for NiMH with integrated capacity testing (Both) gave up the ghost...

I'm really at a loss here. Probably close to 400$ in chargers I'm fed up with and going to toss because of reliability issues.

I'd like one with capacity testing so I can screen my Liions that I recover, and having one with a capacity cycle to break in nimh would be useful, but ... just something that works. I can't waste all my time baby sitting these things so if they don't do a proper dvdt cutoff I don't even want to look at them (I look at the lygte battery review pages)

Thanks kindly, I'm very grateful for the information.
Don't know how available they are, but I have two Opus BT-3400s (v. 2.2/v. 3.1) and they've been fine for a few years.

Check EBay for the Opus BT-3400 v. 3.1.


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