Need some good rcr123 3.0v LifeP04 batteries


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
California, Los Angeles
I am planning to either buying the iTp A1 or the MiNi 123 and need some good rcr123 3.0v LifeP04 batteries.

I was looking at the Tenergy 750mah lifep04, but there are some reviews stating that it's not good. I remembered AW used to sell 3.0v LifeP04 awhile back, but didn't see the 3.0v on his new sale thread. Any other good brand you guys can recommend me? Thanks.
deal, I just read your original post #5 in the notification email. I may see the confusion. To find these cells in the sales thread, you need to scroll down a ways before you see the LiFe 123's listed. Again, I recently communicated with AW via PM, and he does still have these.

Hope this helps,
