Need source for AAA battery storage


Newly Enlightened
Feb 7, 2010
I'm looking for the smallest storage capsule (preferably metal) that will fit on a keychain and hold one AAA battery. I'd like it to be just large enough to hold the battery with as little extra space as possible. One that's sealed with an O-ring would be a plus. Any recommendations?

GoingGear has a number of such capsules, but the smallest one they have that will hold an AAA cell is considerably larger than it really needs to be, and I'm looking for one smaller. Thanks for any suggestions.
Yeah, I've got the ITP A3 EOS on the keychain. Am hoping to locate a capsule that's just big enough for an extra battery to put on the same keychain for a spare. Theoretically, a storage capsule should be able to be made to be slightly smaller than the light itself since you don't have the head or tailcap.
I have a spare mag solitaire (yes, that means I have 2! :ohgeez:) that is missing its guts. I'm am trying to find a small rubber (pvc) type tubing cap so i can cut off the head-end of the light and put on the cap. The tail end already has a hole for a spit ring and an o-ring. if the rubber cap is sealed, it should be relatively water resistant.

I got the idea from someone one this site lovecpf who did the same thing with a AA minimag. If I can find the original post, I'll post the link.

I too would be interested in an off-the shelf, AAA keychain battery holder. My solution is intended to be temporary.
You can use a tubing cutter (or hacksaw) and cut an unwanted AA Mini Maglite in half. If you place a soft plastic cap over the end, the cut down MiniMag can serve as an AA carrier. Put a split ring through the lanyard hole.

I cut this Mini Maglite a little bit longer to hold other items.


But, I actually carry a spare AA battery in my pocket. It has a plastic cap over one end to protect it against a short circuit. The cap is sold as a table/chair leg end cap in hardware stores.

Here is part of the post regarding the AA battery holder. Same principal I am working on for AAA.

Here is the link to the entire post:
the small exo tubes I make can carry 1 AAA. Although a little fatter, than you need, the extra space can be used to carry a bill adding even more usefullness to it.
