Need suggestion for safety light

Super Dave

Newly Enlightened
Nov 2, 2005

I am looking for a small, emergency light to put in the pocket of my life jacket. I sail a lot on Oahu. If I fall out the boat and my leash doesn't work I'm shark bait. Worst case scenerio would be spending the night in the water. I'd like to get a dependable little strobe or light to signal helecoptors or other boats if this ever happens.

The Pelican Mini Flasher 2130 LED may work.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Hello there! I'm also from Hawaii, but currently in Colorado attending school.
Have you considered a PLB? (Personal Locator Beacon)
With a strobe, you're at the mercy of someone reporting you missing, or having a plane spot you. A PLB with transmit a distress signal on a actively monitored channel and allow rescue forces to triangulate your position. Some can be configured to activate upon hitting the water.
Be safe!
(edit: apparently someone was typing faster than me...)

To be honest, for signaling a helicopter or boat, light may not be the best option, certainly in rough waters.
Have a look here:
They have locator beacons for when you fall overboard.
I think this is what you would be looking for:

But if you just want to signal your boat crew, that light might do it too but they don't give any information about the LED so it's difficult to tell.
As a volunteer Coastguard crew member we use PLB's attached to our PFD's. There are pretty small and you dont even notice them. We also have stobes.

this is great if you always wear your PFD. As part of our SOP's we do but you may not. In which case you will be SOL if you go overboard.

In any case I would recommend something small enough that isnt going to be a pain to carry and bright enough to gain attention.
A tight focus aspheric could be good for this. They throw light a long way. Down side is they down throw light out in a wide angle meaning you must point it in the direction of help. I would recommend a direct drive light as they last longer even if it does dim down

The other option is a strobe. these are quite different and shine light in all directions.

As for the mini Pelican I dont think its the best choice. It says visable from 0,5 of a mile but in reality this will not be the case especially with ambiant light.
I keep one of these on my dive BCD.

I use the Peli light as a marker when running. Its certainly small, seems rugged enough and has two clips and a lanyard/karibiner hole which makes attaching it to a belt or sack really easy. However it is not that bright, just about adequate for dark paths and perhaps even as a dive marker (I have not dived in many years so am not going to claim experience in this sport) but as an emergency strobe? Look for something brighter.


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