Need to laugh?

I'm in such a bad mood tonight I didn't think anything would cheer me up..

"..Dad at Comedy Barn
Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.
oh wait don't even bother you have IE on a Mac which Flash doesn't work with any longer, too bad, nyah nyah.."

I haven't seen clip ONE from Utube yet..I've been crying for so long, the tears are running down my ankles..
I decided to watch it again and I've been laughing for ten minutes straight - and tears rolling down my cheeks!
Great link. Got me laughin'.

TedTheLed, are you saying Mac people can't watch Youtube? (I don't anything about Macs, so I really don't know.)
Trash, if you're runnig IE on Mac, I think so, I have a slow dial up powered by solar and the last time (sunny day a few days ago) I tried downloading the upgrades it said it was done after and hour and a half but for some reason FireFox didn't load - flash may well work with the FireFox..there is also a version 7 something for 'mac classic systems' which I have but I just tried downloading it and it was going to take half an hour I don't have at the moment..
more than you wanted to know I know...