Neutral tint Nichia 5mm?


Sep 6, 2005
Palo Alto, CA
Curious... I know there are warm/neutral tinted Nichia 5mm LEDs, as I have seen them used on SF-A2 mods.

Does anyone make a light with these?... a warm tinted E01 or gerber UI would be really nice.
+1. Looking for someone brave enough to mod my Lunasol 20 and those warm Nichias would do the job, though I might need smaller than 5mm.
I wasn't aware Nichia made a neutral or warm 5mm led. There are some other brands of neutral or "snow" leds that are less efficient than the Nichia GS used in the Fenix E01. The E01 was a big seller because people wanted that brightness and didn't care much about color. The GIU probably uses some cheap Chinese led these days.
Nichia has the NSPL500DS warm white perhaps with bins into neutral white territory. Not sure of availability or brightness bin you would get. Brightness bin U would be good, brightness bin V would be great.

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