New adjustable LED light - Wolf Eyes

Glen C

Dec 6, 2006
This may be of interest to some, called the Fox 1, 260 lumens, adjustable focus. Olive drab HA111.



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Re: New adjustable LED light

OK Glen i will bite, where, what and how much? :poke:

Obviously it isn't a WE light, where did you get your hands on it?
Re: New adjustable LED light

How about last a 1,260 lumen light......oh, wait a minute.....aahhhh, I got it, FOX "1" and its 260 lumen light.....still not bad for its size, so what, when, why and how much?
Re: New adjustable LED light

Keeper, Cernobila, it is a Wolf Eyes light, should be out before Christmas, I probably wont have any till end January (as I will be sitting on a beach all Jan). A little more than a Sniper/Defender it is adjustable but should have better throw due to a deeper reflector. Haven't touched one yet but thought others may be interested
Now you mention it, the body and tail cap are all WE. Deeper reflector, something to take on the other Super throwers? Finally somewhere to put a lanyard as well, very good considering how many i have to circulate. Interesting it is adjustable, makes for something different

Sitting on the beach all Jan, sounds tough, oh well at least my bank account will have a chance to progress
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Focusing isn't a feature I really care that much for, but the light looks cool.
What kind of batteries does it take?
Just one output level? 260 lumens sounds like too much for most tasks?
Coldlocus, it will take 18650, CR123 and will be available as a single level and multilevel light.

Keeper, the sitting on the beach , in Thailand, is to ensure I stay still married!! It has been a busy year this one ;)
Focusing isn't a feature I really care that much for
I usually agree, however when using the 260 lumens having the light focused out a little may make it a little more usable rather than the typical hotspot of deep reflector lights. I like the OD colour, something a little different

Keeper, the sitting on the beach , in Thailand, is to ensure I stay still married!! It has been a busy year this one ;)

Sounds like you (or perhaps your wife) need it, i will have to get some tips from you we are looking to go there next year as well :D
At least late January will give me some time to convince my wife that i NEED another light
Glen, what's it like on wide focus, what LED does it have and the price?....single level output can be adjusted by the focus ring, so you don't really need multi level in this case.
Glen, what's it like on wide focus, what LED does it have and the price?....single level output can be adjusted by the focus ring, so you don't really need multi level in this case.

Sure you do - saves batteries! The variable beam is great too.

I would love to see this light, and I suspect that since I am a confirmed Wolf Eyes junkie, it will end up in my hands pretty shortly after hitting the US shores! Can you give us a clue on pricing?
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Nice one Glen.
Good to see Wolf bring something a little bit different out.
Like the look of the colour too. :thumbsup:
How is the £ to A$ rate at the moment? :devil:

You and your good lady enjoy your well deserved break.
Not sure of price yet, I am guessing Mike at PTS and myself will probably get them late Jan or Feb.

Thanks Keeper and J3bnl, I am looking forward to a break, the hardest part was to get people to stay and look after the attack chihuahua :laughing:
260 lumens? Is it a Cree Q5 drive a little over 1A? Or maybe they got their hands on some Cree R2's. :)
Glen you mention that it will run on 123's and 18650, will it run on AW's RCR123's?
Do you get Belgian Beer in Thailand?
Just checked the exchange rate, the £ is on the rise against the A$ again! :grin2:
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Coldlocus, it will take 18650, CR123 and will be available as a single level and multilevel light.

Keeper, the sitting on the beach , in Thailand, is to ensure I stay still married!! It has been a busy year this one ;)


Finally a solid company looking into perfecting a focus system.:grin2:
JB3nl it probably will have a 3.7-6V range as WE finds the smaller range more efficient, though a 3.7-13V may become available. So that would cut out RCR123. I just go Changi in Thailand, I figure do as the locals do. Belgian Beer is available in Bangkok but at a price I could get 4-5 Changi or Singha beers at. You can guess my tight natured choice :naughty: