New Arc LS or HDS 120?


Jun 17, 2006
I'm looking to get one of these when they become available (can't afford both right now) and I'd like some opinions. I have an HDS U60 and B42 and I really like them but most of what I've read of the old Arc LS's is very positive. I do not own any Arc's currently. If you could only have one which would you choose and why? Also, anyone out there that owns both could I have your perspective? Thanks.
How would you like us to compare when neither are able to be bought yet?
That's true...neither one is available yet. I guess I was just hoping that people that have both the old LS and HDS EDC give their perspectives...which they like better and why. I'm kind of assuming that the build quality for both will continue in the new models.
The EDC120 should be available long before the new LS, if that makes any difference (it does to me). A bird in the hand, as they say.
I've owned two HDS lights and have played with an LS. The only one I currently own is an HDS Basic 42 that has been modded with an SSC LED. I'm guessing it's right around 100 lumens, certainly 80 lumens at least. Since it is so much brighter than stock, it has both a larger diameter hotspot AND noticably more throw and of course the spill beam is brighter as well. I can often use the secondary setting for many needs and only rarely do I need to use the max setting.

I know on a light with multiple levels, a brighter maximum is ALWAYS better, but I don't think I would pay for 20 or 30 more lumens on max.
Well even though neither of them have really been seen by any of us I would still suggest the HDS. If it sells for what people have been saying it will sell for ($150) then it will be quite a bit cheaper than the ARC LS. It will also come out long before the ARC LS. Who knows when either of these lights will actually be released, but when you consider the time it takes ARC to do anything then it could be YEARS for them.
I have a new seoul in my HDS U60. :) I won't be going for any new CR123 flashlights for a while. My next light will be a 1xAAA flashlight, if the prices ever drop.

Both NovaTac and Arc aren't out yet and neither have a real date.

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