New arrivals (EZAA and PD10 R2)


Newly Enlightened
May 11, 2006
Shoe City, Ma.
Just got these in the mail today from 7777's. :twothumbs I had been contemplating choosing the EZAA or the PD10, and decided to go with the EZAA pre-order due to it being the "smallest" AA flashlight and all the excitement about it. Then recently, as some reviews started coming out, I started to get cold feet about it and noticed alot of people cancelling their pre-orders. I then decided I was going to cancel and just get the PD10 R2 instead.

Well, 7777's has a stellar reputation (and for good reason), and I decided that couldn't just cancel on him, so I concluded that I would just keep the order for the EZAA AND get the PD10 also :D Being impatient like I am, I upgraded my shipping so I could get the PD10 in my grubby little hands while waiting for the EZ. Well, because they rule, 7777's combined both orders, and I got both lights today!

I've only had a few moments to play around with them, but here are my initial impressions (Full review to come in a day or 2):

The PD10 R2 rules. I was looking forward to checking out the piston drive and UI, and it doesn't dissappoint. I have no problems navigating the UI, and although the piston was a little sticky at first, I cleaned it out and relubed it. Now it glides effortlessly. The low low is what I'm looking forward to mostly, for late night bathroom breaks and such, without blinding myself. I have been using an E01 almost exclusively (I LOVE that little light!), but even that is a little bright when navagating a dark room when just waking up. ;)

The EZ AA is, so far, meeting my expectations. It is nice and small for a AA. Only a little bit shorter than the PD, but about 1/3 skinnier. :thumbsup: It supposedly has the same high output as the PD10, but mine definitely looks brighter! (Remember, I'm just a layman, so this is not scientific, just my observations). I'm running both on fully charged eneloops.

The low, while maybe not 15 lumens, is about the same as my E01 (which has a fresh eneloop also). I really can't differentiate which one is brighter. The big difference, is that I didn't realize how much of a purple tint my E01 had until I put it next to the EZ! The EZ's is a nice soft white (again, subjective), while the E01's in now an ugly purple. :sick2:

All in all, I'm quite happy with the EZ, and definitely happy with the PD10. I'm at work, so I'll try and get some better pics later, as well as a better write up, but this is what you get for now. :D

Thanks 7777's!!





note: Dan decided to opt out of the USB rechargeable AA cells, thus receiving his order early... or on time, for that matter.

thanks for the information!
I was gonna say.I havent got mine yet!!

Yeah, it was kinda a surprise to me to, since I was only expecting the one light, but getting both was cool. Missing out on the preorder gift was no biggie since it meant I got my light now.

Just imagine all those nice new lights just sitting there waiting to fill orders...... :D

The EZ AA is, so far, meeting my expectations. It is nice and small for a AA. Only a little bit shorter than the PD, but about 1/3 skinnier. :thumbsup: It supposedly has the same high output as the PD10, but mine definitely looks brighter!(Remember, I'm just a layman, so this is not scientific, just my observations). I'm running both on fully charged eneloops.

The low, while maybe not 15 lumens, is about the same as my E01 (which has a fresh eneloop also). I really can't differentiate which one is brighter. The big difference, is that I didn't realize how much of a purple tint my E01 had until I put it next to the EZ! The EZ's is a nice soft white (again, subjective), while the E01's in now an ugly purple. :sick2:

note: Dan decided to opt out of the USB rechargeable AA cells, thus receiving his order early... or on time, for that matter.

Emphasis in the op's quote added by me..
I opted out of the USB cell from the get go and paid for expedited shipping so I have had my EZAA for a few days and now that others are landing I'll post my thoughts here (not meant to hijack the op's thread but to save the moderators the headache of multiple threads).

From the op....."It supposedly has the same high output as the PD10, but mine definitely looks brighter!" (again emphasis added by me)
That was the first thing I noticed, it is the brightest single cell Cree light I own, even brighter than my EX10.
I was pleasantly surprised by the beam the little guy produced, it has a well defined and tighter spot than the D10/EX10 and far less Cree ring based artifacts.

The low is fine IMHO, in fact it seems that many were recently complaining about low not being low enough on other lights. :shrug:
I don't put all that much in specs but do understand those who do.
On a fresh eneloop it is brightest and can get warm but not hot, it will run along the lines of Selfbuilt's run times.

On an alkaline it is less bright but not by much and at least with mine it runs cool and longer with a gradual reduction in output, even with the cell near depletion it still can put out decent light in short bursts.(3-5 minutes)

The finish is top notch and the twist action can vary with the cell used. Rechargeables are fatter but fit fine and for some reason on mine are more prone to the foam ring grabbing the cell and grinding it ever so slightly against the negative stub/post.

I removed the foam ring and it became absolutely butter smooth but the activation of low was less defined. (probably due to the spring being the only resistance and just beginning to make contact)

I have now modded mine so it is a butter smooth single level (high) half turn to on, pocket rocket.:D(completely reversible in seconds)

My conclusion is though the specs may have been over stated or lost in translation and not perfect for all uses, I love mine. It is an elegant, thin, well built pocket rocket that runs off of readily available cheap cells.:wave:
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I may have to pick up an EZAA at some point. My flashlight budget is hurting at the moment though. :(

As far as the E01, yeah, when you compare it against a Cree LED it will look pretty purplish. When used on it's own it's not bad, but if you find some kind of a cap that will fit over the end it will help get rid of that purple tint and knock down the brightness a bit to make it better for late night trips to the bathroom when you're eyes are fully adapted to the dark. :)

Wish I had a large supply if these caps so I could send them to E01 owners who would want to try them. They came with some corner shelves I bought, they capped the tube that contained the parts:

Beamhead, I pretty much agree with everything you just stated. :thumbsup: I can't comment on the runtime, as I haven't had the opportunity to check it out yet, but hopefully that should be soon.

I have a feeling a lot of people will be very happy with this offering. I'm certainly glad I decided to stick with my original order. As you noted, the low seems just fine. Thanks for another perspective. :)

Wade, thanks for the info! I've gotten so used to my E01 because it's such a pocketable light, that I really haven't carried any of my other lights (coulpe Fenix's and an old FFIII) and hadn't really noticed how purple the tint was :D.

I'm definitely goint to try and find some of those "diffuser" caps you posted. Great idea, thanks!

Bruiser, thanks and I look forward to your upcoming observations. You joined in May of 2006 and have only 8 posts......let me re-Welcome you to CPF.:party::p
Bruiser, thanks and I look forward to your upcoming observations. You joined in May of 2006 and have only 8 posts......let me re-Welcome you to CPF.:party::p

LOL, Thanks. :laughing:

I've always been more of a reader, and just considered myself an "amatuer" flashaholic, but I'd like to become more productive here and get more involved with things. Thanks for the "Re-Welcome" :grin2:

One thing I've noticed today just playing around with the EZ, is that the amount of turns it takes for "on/off" and "lo to hi" seems to vary. I'm attributing this to the foam in the head comressing and uncompressing. Sometimes it seems it takes very few turns in between each stage, and others seems to be almost too many turns. :thinking: If it will eventually become a predictable thing, that would be nice. Right now it seems kind of random. Take it as you may, just an observation I've noticed with my light.

Yes, I have to agree with you. My review of the EZ AA definitely showed that it seems to be bright enough to compete with the EX10. I had a few other issues with mine that haven't seemed to show up in other peoples samples (extremely abrasive threading) but it is definitely a minute rocket.
I just received my EZ AA today as well. Tough to check the output in daylight but it seems ok at this point. The low looks more than sufficient to at least check behind my computer :) I too have been confused about all the fuss regarding the low output-it seems every other thread I read has some complaints about lows not being low enough. :whistle:

Great form factor-I like how slim it is-but I was kind of taken aback at how much brass is exposed when you put a battery in. Once there's a cell in there it doesn't take too many turns to activate it from the head being totally-about 3, which might take some getting used to. It's turned on in my pocket several times already just from moving around. It's a really nice-looking little light, though, and I have no issue with the threads. Mine is nice and smooth.

I should say that these are very preliminary observation-I just opened it half an hour ago and I've ben playing with it a little.
When people in general talk about the low on a light (not the EZ specifically) not being low-enough, it is generally because they already have a medium or other level to take care of regular business.

On the EZ most are wondering if the difference between the low, and the high, is too large for a general purpose light. If there was a 3rd level no one would be complaining about the low not being low-enough. The other part of the argument is given the level as it is, the runtime seems too short.

I hope that clarifies the concerns, it seems many are not really comprehending what they are reading.

Back to the EZ;I glad some people are liking it. I still have some warm-tint versions coming and I hope they will be useful.

Anyone else have early comments?
I hope that clarifies the concerns, it seems many are not really comprehending what they are reading.
I have seen some complain about the low on other lights not being low enough as I stated. In regards to the EZAA I see some complaining that the low is too low and of course 14 hours of runtime on low not being enough or up to the released specs. I wonder if anyone has done the runtime on low with a lithium?

Beam, can you give us details on your mod please?
I removed the somewhat thick foam ring and replaced it with a thinner one I got from a 3M sample pack, I put it on the bottom of the cell. So it is just a half turn from off to high.
I think the spring is the contact for low then when it is compressed down to the brass pad it makes contact for high.
I can use the thicker supplied foam ring on the bottom of the cell but it takes much more force to engage.
And it is easily reversible.
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I hope that clarifies the concerns, it seems many are not really comprehending what they are reading.

Oh I comprehend perfectly; it just doesn't jive with how I use my lights. I'm just seeing their comments through my lens and because of that I don't necessarily think it's a big deal. And I know the runtime has been an issue but I use my lights so intermittently that I am still on my first set of batteries for most of my lights (I just got into all of this a little less than a year ago). So, runtime issues are almost nonexistent for me.

I can definitely see how the claimed and actual output differences could irritate everyone, though-if the specs aren't accurate, you have to wonder what else is wrong. I'm a big fan of Nitecore and, despite being unconcerned about the performance not living up to their own hype, I'm starting to look at them a little sideways now.
I can definitely see how the claimed and actual output differences could irritate everyone, though-if the specs aren't accurate, you have to wonder what else is wrong. I'm a big fan of Nitecore and, despite being unconcerned about the performance not living up to their own hype, I'm starting to look at them a little sideways now.
I can also see how some may be irritated but Nitecore and 47's have always taken care of me. My guess is this is their first shot at a multi-level current regulated AA light?,(lots of PWM haters out there) it appears to me that the high end specs are close if not on using a lithium cell.
Perhaps something got overlooked on the low end and I still would like to see a runtime on low with a lithium.

Back to using my EZAA.
I can also see how some may be irritated but Nitecore and 47's have always taken care of me.

+1 on that.

Just put my kids to bed and they always like me to shine a light as they are going down (how many kids think of multiple levels on flashlights? Mine always say "turn it up!"). I thought the low was pretty nice, actually-better than my E01 with much nicer beam. Still, I can see how maybe 25-30 lumens on low would be more useful for a general purpose light.
LOL, Thanks. :laughing:

I've always been more of a reader, and just considered myself an "amatuer" flashaholic, but I'd like to become more productive here and get more involved with things. Thanks for the "Re-Welcome" :grin2:

Did we lose you again? :whistle::poke:
Are you aware of the recall and if so do you intend to relinquish yours? I am keeping mine.:grin2:

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